Tight Schedule

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Construction has been going for 2 months on the houses, with the extra time, we've managed to complete the outside, garage, living, the backyard, just finishing tiling the pool, but also the electrical and plumbing in both houses, minus the pool in the other one, luckily we haven't had too many hot days, and with the AC in, I was nice and I kept the house nice and cool, with solar in to power it, the guys have been pretty happy with the AC, everyone wants one, the flooring is in, walls are being painted, tile in the bathrooms are going in, the kitchen is being done, with 7 guys working at each house, +Anthony, keeping a eye on me while he helps out, to help I got some guys who work at the pool company, they'll have the pool done in no time, to spice it up, I am putting shelter area, with a park bench, to make it more kid friendly, there is going to be a tree, to give shade, I believe every backyard requires a tree, especially in this part of America, I haven't quite seen the map on where we are, but I know it must be Texas from how hot it is, but the winter is so very cold, so I am lost?.

It's Nathan and Willow's first birthday!, Anthony is letting the guys have the day off, we let them have cake, and maybe go for a dip in the pool?, and we each got them some presents, mainly toys and clothes, but deffinitely a amazing day, I took a couple of photos for the kids to see when they grow up.

4 months pregnant, every guy wishes to be with their mates at this point, but they money to support them, and the house with the pool is deffinitely going to give a whole big boost.

Anthony wants construction to begin on another 2 houses or even just 1, I had a deadline of 23 weeks, with 2 months that has passed, we only have 17 weeks!, not a lot I'll admit, but I can see just 2 more weeks on these two houses and they'll be done, we aren't putting them on the market til tourist season, I want these houses to be built right, I need Anthony to understand that, oh crap, I go bring the kids out to the car, they need their nap, and their hungry and tired, Anthony comes out, 'I got them, you go' Anthony says, with me clearing everything before it is being done, keeping up with designs on each house, 3 furniture trucks arrive, oh shit, now to remember what houses they belong to, I will get furniture in, I check the lounges, tables sets being delivered, today is a busy, busy day.

The guys bring it in, I'm not taking the covers off of them, each of the rooms get furnished, the outside and front complete, I just need to get the finishing touches in, I can't believe things finished that quick?, maybe when construction stopped on one house and they all came in together, but now the other house needs the painting to be done, the walls need to dry, then furniture can come in, with the paint needing 2 layers, after half a hour, Anthony is sending them back in after a lunch break, the kids are taking a nap in the car, I drink from my waterbottle, I am really thirsty, I'd love to take a nap right about now, Anthony is really proud of me, 1 house down 4 more to go, he then mentions closing the shop for a couple of days, working from 10 to 7!, the kids can't be out in this heat for that long, but the extra time would be nice, and I am way ahead in school work, and I only have a couple of months before I am graduating!, I'd lost track of when they are meant to come in, well lets do some maths, I got out of hospital with 13 months left before I graduated, I was pregnant with the twins for 9 months, that means .... uh oh, I've been doing unceccesary school work!, but I guess it has been fun?, I'll move past it, guess I didn't get a email about them being emailed?, I'll call them about it, I wonder how long does it take to mail 3 degrees?, Art, Cooking and Law.

By night time, I am ready to just go to sleep, but I'm hungry, good thing I made something for after work, 2 houses are complete and we started construction on the other 3!, Anthony promises when the houses are done, we will take a 2 weeks break for the trourist season and I will get 2 weeks off like I did last time for my due date, when all of those children come in, I don't know if all the guys could come in, for work, though me and Anthony can handle it, I don't know if we could with 3 kids, bonus about being wolf, with our DNA, the kids will never get sick, cause aren't infected with human diseases, and our immune system if far too strong.

Anthony pulls me to the side, 'are you okay?' he asks, 'yeah?, just a littel stressed?, didn't get much sleep?, hungry?, tired?, .... did you know the school semester ended?, like maybe 7 months ago?' 'oh?, yeah about that?, I talked with the school and they were going to up your degrees if you worked a little longer' he says, 'why didn't you talk about that with me?, you know my degrees are important to me, and you were having me do all of that work?, just for me to get higher degrees?, you added another year to my work, when I shouldn't have to stress' I say, .... 'I'll give them a call, they'll send in your degrees, you were going to get master's in everything' 'I set up what I wanted to get in what long ago' I say, 'I know?' Anthony says, I hug him, 'talk to me about these kinds of things, especially when they involve me or the kids, okay?', he nods, 'I can do that?' he says, Anthony has been a little bit nervous, he wants to marry me, give me his last name, have his ring on my finger, show everyone I truly do belong to him, but he doesn't know how to to propose or for the moment to be perfect, we're both always so busy.

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Tourists are arriving today, so they need the guys at work, on weekends we don't work as long, cause Anthony wants them to still have time with their pregnant Mate's, but Anthony wants me and him to finish up on the houses, the furniture for each house is in the garage, I am almost 8 months pregnant, a lot of babies are due in a few short weeks, the doctor will be very busy, but he'll fit me and Anthony in, me and Anthony go by the site, though I hate him carrying all of those heavy things, he says he can handle it, he wants these houses to be perfect, I have no idea how we did it, but we did, I am allowed to carry small things, for a last minute check, I do all of the houses, make sure everything is perfect and it is, I gave the pool a hose down every couple of weeks, so it wouldn't overheat and possibly ruin it, Anthony needs to go to work, so we came in early, within 2 hours, each house was done, he has 5 of his guys working real estate, and about 20 on the garage, him included, with those cars travelling a long distance, they'll need to be serviced, I'm at home, apparenly there will be a large bake sale, so I am spending the day making pasteries, apparently they'd buy it all, I want to go old school and a little more respectable, I'm making all different kinds of flavoured buy, chocolate chip muffins, a 20 batch of choc chip cookies, I have to hide it all from Anthony, he comes back, 'mmm?, the kitchen smells good?', my degrees have come in this morning and he wants to surprise me, it's amazing he made it out for his lunch break, I smile, 'hungry?' I ask, I made full on beautiful hamburgers, 'happy?' he asks, 'of course-', he shows the large packet for my degrees, 'shut up, ... shut up' I say, full on excited, he smiles, he lets me have it, he gets a feeling, that he should get down one knee, he lets me open it, and unwrap the bubble wrap around the frames, oh my god!, I look down, Anthony is on one knee, holy shit, I think I may pee myself, 'Roxanne, ... will you marry me?', I start crying, happy tears, 'yes, yes, yes' I say, he slips the ring on, it's beautiful!, he stands up, I kiss him, could today be anymore special?, oh god, I wanna fuck him, but then he wouldn't have time for lunch.

We still fuck on the couch, and I put his lunch in a container for him to eat, I love the ring, it is so beautiful!, I can't believe it!, we're getting married!.


Roxanne and Anthony are engaged!, they and many others are expecting a whole bunch of children!, is the neighbourhood constuction going to be shut down?, to let the guys help their mates with their children?.

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