Chapter 18 - Epilogue

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Two moons after Jaime Lannister left the North without Brienne, she presented her husband, Tormund, with their second child. She had again correctly predicted their baby's gender, as she would with all of their children. Their eldest daughter arrived near midday, and they called her Annalyse, a name inspired by that of one of Brienne's departed sisters. The infant joined her brother Selmund as he had come into the world, delivered by the midwife, Vrenna, on a fur spread across the floor of their warm hut surrounded by her entire family. Munda and Anya again assisted Brienne's delivery. The babes were followed soon after by two more sons and another girl. Their next child, a boy Galladon, was the namesake of Brienne's dear brother who had died in childhood. Their youngest daughter's name was again found in that of Brienne's sister, and sounded much like her own. Rianne was the spitting image of her mother, and the only one of their children who wore her sunny yellow hair. Not long after, they named their youngest son once more for his father and grandfather. Torwyn was the baby of the family and was doted on by all of them. Munda and Anya filled their house of nine. Tormund was certain there had never been a happier, more complete family in all of the Seven Kingdoms.

Over the years, as their children grew strong, the deep love and devotion between Brienne and Tormund strengthened and flourished. Brienne thrived in her role as wife and mother, North of the Wall. She also became a respected and revered member of the village, as Tormund was already. They were leaders in their frozen world, and saw to their community as they did their family with kindness, caring, and ferocious protectiveness. Queen Sansa had once described Brienne perfectly. She was every bit the vigilant, watchful mother bear. She was also the most devoted and adoring wife. Her husband and children were her entire world. Tormund never once took the blessings he had been given for granted. He was the proudest husband and father in the entire Realm. Together, he and Brienne raised a legacy from their love.

Bran Stark had been correct in what he had told Queen Sansa about Brienne and Tormund, their destiny, and the family they would raise. It seemed their name and blood were to be forever entwined in both the history and future of not only The North, but the whole of Westeros. The family remained close to Queen Sansa and her husband Sandor Clegane, as well as their six children. In her eighteenth year, Annalyse would marry the Queen's eldest son, Robb Stark Clegane. While his older sister, Elinore would sit the throne in the North, and her line would rule from Winterfell, it was the descendants of the three children that Annalyse gave Robb who would cement the bond between the North and the Land Beyond The Wall.

Rianne remained close to her parents. She wed a son of one of the elders of their village. She was as fierce a protector as her mother, whom she looked exactly like. She was also as loving a mother to her four children as Brienne had been to her and her brothers and sisters. Anya, also made her life in their village, her calling was to be a fighter as well. Brienne and Tormund taught her well, and Anya along with her man and their two children became defenders of their village. Torwyn married a sweet farm girl from near Mole's Town, and happily raised his family of five on a modest plot of land just south of The Wall.

Galladon was bestowed title and lands on Tarth, becoming a bannerman to The Evenstar. He fell deeply in love with a village girl, and brought his Wildling wife to his mother's ancestral island, to become a southern lady. They raised their four children in warm sunshine, and were happy for all of their days. Munda was introduced to the son of a distant cousin of Brienne's during one of the family's trips to Tarth, visiting Lord Selwyn. Several years later, she stood in the Godswood at Evenfall, that young man's bride. She gave her husband six sons, and took them North often to visit their grandparents, and learn the ways of her people.

Despite the distance between himself and his family, as well as his advancing age, Lord Selwyn visited Beyond the Wall regularly. He swore that not a year would pass without him enjoying his grandchildren. He was fascinated by the Real North, and it took him no time to feel at home in the Wildling village. Tormund and Brienne traveled to Tarth with their family several times over the years, eager for their children to know both of their heritages. It had been decided that, as the eldest heir to House Tarth, Selmund would become The Evenstar when the time decreed. The boy understood the importance of his future title. He loved Tarth, he loved his grandfather, and he had inherited the same intense sense of honor and duty that had made his mother the first woman knight in Westeros. He would accept his role with pride and integrity.

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