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I hope, you know, where dis abt to go 👈👈👀

Can't go to sleep so I'm updating =.=

Hope you enjoy though =]

ps. decent amount of cursing in this chapter 🤐

Narrator's eyes widened, as he realized the slur used in her sentence. He frowned, but inside he was full of pure anger. Eddie frantically tried to call her, the first few calls went to voicemail though. Narrator internally cheered.

But at last, to the boy's demise, she answered his fifth call.

"Hello? Courtney?"

"Eduardo you better fucking explain that picture that's all over twitter. Don't tell me you're cheating on me are you?!"

Eddie winced at the volume of her voice. She was shouting into the phone. "Babe, let me exp-"

"Don't 'babe' me! Explain the picture-"

"He could if you'd shut up and not interrupt bitch." Narrator interrupted. Eddie elbowed him. Courtney scoffed. "Don't tell me that it's there WITH you right now."

Narrator glared and snatched the phone off of Eddie.

"Grant give the-"

"Who the hell are you calling 'it'? Because I know damn well it isn't me, you worthless whore." Narrator said, clenching his fist. Eddie internally yelled at himself.

"Why the fuck are you taking pictures with my boyfriend, like you're a couple?!"

Narrator's eyes narrowed. He smirked. "It's for YouTube content. You would know if you weren't wanting his dick in you every hour." Eddie glared at him. Narrator smiled, shrugging. Courtney yelled.

"Eddie?! You're gonna just let him talk to me like that?!"

"Oh no ma'am. You see, you're the one acting all tough 'n shit. So be ready when someone comes for you and your bullshit. I don't get why he's dating such a bratty whore like you." Narrator said.

"Don't you EVER say something like that again to me. You are a disgusting disgrace to society and should've already been killed."

Narrator laughed. "So are whores but surprisingly no one has confronted you yet. But now I will. If you keep treating Eddie the way you do, you'll end up alone. Not that I'm warning you or anything, because taking 'your' man would be easy."

Eddie hopelessly blushed.

"Now, we will make a tweet on twitter, explaining the picture. If your brain is too fucked up to understand it even after the brief explanation, shut the fuck up."

Eddie was jaw dropped through his whole rant. Courtney's blood was boiling, as well as Narrator's. But he wasn't gonna let this chick ruin his beautiful day with Eddie.

"We will be going now. Have a good day, honeybunch." He smugly said, hanging up before hearing a reply. He looked back at Eddie. He closed his mouth and glared, crossing his arms.

Narrator smiled. "She said she loves you."

. . .

After what seemed like an hour of situating things on twitter, the two sat down on a bench at the park and eased up a bit.

Narrator was the first to speak after a while of silence.

"...Sorry.." he inaudibly grumbled. Eddie raised an eyebrow. "What?" He glared, looking in the opposite direction of Eddie.

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