6. A Path Enlightens For Dreams

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Kanae visibly winced at the scene during the meeting a week back. It brought a sickening recoil inside her chest and the acids in her stomach to almost flare. Not only for someone like herself to grimaced at, but to pity when she stared into the eyes of pure honesty of the hanafuda-earring boy. It didn't matter if he'd broken the moral code or not of the Demon Slayer Corps. Harming him and his demon sister was something she's severely against.

At the same time, to meet the Kamado siblings up close, it felt so foreign. So fictional that her heart braced for the realization to weave into her mind slowly. Her wish for both humans and demons to coexist... it felt too coincidental to be true. It was clear enough that her sister was against this idea, albeit reluctantly accepting the older Kochou's mindset nevertheless, but she knew that she'd be surprise to know it finally happened. A demon who never ate human flesh and lived long with the will to protect humanity against them.

The ravenette never thought the day to come true.

It was a fairytale she had falsely believed and hopelessly questioned every second of the day. The tantilizing reality of what's true and what's not sparking before her eyes. Even the positive thoughts she would tell herself began to become wasted beliefs.

Kanae silently whisked through the night's cold air, her haori almost glittering under the moonlight, when she reached the top of the roof. Her violet hues scrutinizing the young Kamado with an intrigued smile. The boy hadn't been aware of her presence whatsoever despite hearing of his enhanced sense of smell. Her footsteps moving like air, she approached him with soundless steps right until she was close to him.

She could easily notice the struggle he was having from his position alone. How he quivered from the intensity of Total Concentration Breath fatigued his body and the desperate attempt from dropping suddenly brought her amusement, a soft tug at her heart strings that reminded her of Shinobu's headstrong personality.

Almost everything reminded her of Shinobu nowadays.

"Yoo-hoo!" Kanae, ignoring the restless ache crushing her chest, tried calling out to Tanjirou, who didn't seem to hear her. It only took another few more times before she finally caught his attention, albeit it made her chuckle at how surprised he was. Clearly, he had taken his training seriously to not realize the Flower Hashira staring down at him.

"Ko-Kochou-san!" Tanjirou gasped. "I'm sorry for not hearing you!" His cheeks flared a light pink, flustered and embarrassed. He hadn't expected anyone to come up and see him, especially when they were a Hashira.

Kanae crouched down to meet his eyes, sitting next to Water Breath User. She allowed her legs to hang from her place while she settled her hands on the roof. "Don't be sorry, Tanjirou-kun." His panicked expression disappeared from his face as relief washed over him. "After all, you're training hard to master the Total Concentration technique, right?"

His burgundy eyes glimmered under the moon's transparent touch, giving it a scarlet shine. "Yeah! I want to be able to become strong enough to protect Nezuko and many others who need our help," he stated with genuine compassion. His mouth painted an honest and serene grin she hadn't believed to be too blinding. His compassion is so warm.

The tall female hummed with a satisfied feeling in her mind. "That's the spirit!" She cheered. "Just keep up the hard work and you'll easily handle the technique in no time!"

"Wah! You really think so?" Tanjirou's smile burned through her mind that resembled something a little too familiar.

Kanae nodded, clasping her hands together. "Of course! I know you can do it!" Her eyes drooped for a moment before lifting them to observe the full moon above them. He did the same, tracing her gaze to the white sphere hovering over the estate. "I'm so sorry for Sanemi-san's actions towards your sister. It wasn't right of him to do that," she blurted out, surprising him yet again.

Tanjirou waved his hands in front of him with assurance. "It's not your fault, Kochou-san! I mean, I'm still not happy with what he did to Nezuko but..." she didn't turn to face him when he trailed of. He continued, "I can, at least, understand why he did that. I still can't forgive him for stabbing Nezuko though."

"I still wish to apologize for being unable to help you," Kanae insisted. "You see, just like you, I had a beloved sister. You remind me of her sometimes, Tanjirou-kun." It took enough willpower to not wince when he heard the word she used. Had. His nose twitched and he shifted himself to face her. She continued to stare into space. "You and I... are alike."

Tilting her head to glance at him, Tanjirou noticed the shift in her eyes, her scent, the corners of her lips in just a second. Her smile dimming each passing moment without any physical reason at all. While he couldn't grasp the reason, he could grasp the lingering feelings from her sullen scent. Something that outshone her giddy expressions and bright smiles.

He didn't even mean for the words to come out when the scent became evident to him but it was too late to take them back.

"Why do you feel so much pain?" Kanae's eyes widened a fraction before they returned to normal size. Her hands tightly curling up together when she rested them on her lap. "I'm sorry for minding, but I couldn't help but smell your sadness and pain. Even when you wear a bright smile..." Tanjirou explained cautiously, hoping he hadn't gone over his boundaries in poking into other people's feelings.

Instead, her smile faded faintly and her violets became interested with her hands, playing with the nails of her fingers. "Do you have any regrets in a decision that risked your family?" Her question drew back the memories of the day he didn't want to remember. The carelessness of leaving his home and arriving too late to find his family slaughtered and his sister's transformation into a demon. His heart ached violently at the day and the seething feeling of vengeance. Revenge against Kibutsuji Muzan.

Kanae quietly surveyed his perplexed expression to understand the answer to her question. "My dear sister... was killed before me by a demon," she continued in a monotone voice that made Tanjirou focused back to her. "Because of a selfish wish I wanted: a world where humans and demons coexisted. Instead, my sister took my place and died in his hands. But do you want to know something more strange?" She watched him nod his head slowly. "Whether it was my ignorance or stupidity, unlike everyone else in the Demon Slayer Corps... I wasn't angry at the demon. I couldn't hate them even after what they've done."

Kanae forced herself to face the moon, embracing its light when she fought the glossiness clouding her eyes. The sickening twisting in her stomach as she spoke. "What's worse, I felt remorseful for the demon. Doesn't it sound absurd, Tanjirou-kun? To have a petty dream." She couldn't allow herself to crack. She must keep her voice from shattering. She doesn't deserve it. "To still pity the demon who slaughtered my sister before me... should I feel vengeance, shame, or sorrow?" The Flower Hashira wanted to laugh horribly at her thoughts now.

The Kochou quickly raised her arm and swiped away at the tears that were about to form with the haori's sleeve, not wanting the boy to see her in such vulnerability. A tight-lipped smile formed on her face once she looked at him again. "I'm sorry for rambling on like that. I shouldn't force you to-"

"It's not a petty dream at all, Kochou-san!" Tanjirou rebutted, though a bit too loudly as he covered his mouth with his hand. Kanae slightly leaned back in surprise to his voice. He pulled his hand away and spoke again. "Even if it sounds impossible, it doesn't mean it is. Because I met demons who're like you said. Demons who wanted and could live with us in peace. Let's find a cure to save Nezuko and the other demons!"

Someone supporting her foolish idea. Someone she finally shared the closed burdens in her heart from the scent of her pain. Someone...

...who's smile was as sincere as their righteous heart's beliefs.

Kanae pulled her hand away from her lap and gently patted it through his ruffled black locks. He looked up at her with innocent and curious orbs with a wonderous gleam. Her smile didn't feel as strained anymore.

"Take good care of your sister, Tanjirou-kun." She fluttered her eyes closed. "Thank you for supporting me... even if you are more suited to carry it."

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