9. Beloved Are The Words In Belief

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The sense of reality was never Kanae's favorite. However, it's what continued to keep her grounded to her feet, to keep her holding onto her Nichirin blade, and to keep her mentality level-headed. If she continuously stuck her head above the clouds, she may never face the truth and end up shaming her sister even more than she already had.

Reality... she had often questioned it countless of times. Was there a need to elaborate? The world swarmed by demons seemed fictional until it truly began and tainted the beautiful planet. How that childish fantasy became the harsh truth was unbelievable. But that's what reality meant. The world wasn't everything nice and neither were the creatures in it.

Her gentle hands wrapped around the hilt of the sword in her possession. The thin blade almost impossible to completely slice apart a demon's head or limbs at all. Shinobu's sword was one of a kind, and ultimately, what remained of her sister. Crafted uniquely to fit her sister and her strength, the manuever and technique behind it along with the conjunction of poisons in the shaft never ceased to amaze her.

Even when she wasn't around to create more...

A fond smile plastered itself on her lips as she reminisced the time she witnessed her younger sister's intelligent and creative working. She sheathed the sword back into the shaft, small turns clicking around meaning the different use of poison. The Flower Hashira meddled with her sister's sword and chemicals whenever the opportunity arose. If someone were to ask her why, then... She... doesn't have the right answer.

Animosity swarmed her chest like moths and picked at it viciously. To compensate? She slowly removed the blade from its place. To parade her grief constantly while others had went through the same? She clenched her teeth and gradually deeply inhaled, long breaths, and her fingers curled tightly. To apologize for her selfishness? Violets narrowed on the pillar of stone and she moved, jabbing the air and gracing the breeze that hit her face.

"Flower Breathing First Form," Kanae murmured in a wisp, "Tempestuous Calendula."

A flutter, a step and a hop in full speed; she readjusted her body's proportions and charged the rock with Shinobu's sword. Strong, yet careful with the blade's unique structure, pink wavered from the sword as she struck a deep cut that curved around the block. Tightly grasped, the sword almost sweaved out of her hands from it's light weight(the first time she tried so it flew from her hands. Then again, it wasn't fitted for her anyways).

She didn't stop there. Quick in her steps, she curved again and struck another deep cut. Some rocks chipped from it.


And again.

And again.


Each time, making the rock crumbled along with the frustration that built up the fury of power in her attacks.

Another slash.

Another cut.

Another deep slice that could make the fragile bleed from the tip itself.


With one final strike, it was just as quick, just as gentle, and the stone pillar toppled over the repetitious cuts. How the rubbles and dust scattered so gracefully despite the barrage of attacks. It shattered as it met the ground, and Kanae was alone once more.


The butterflies somehow remained calm, observant, in their spot around the nearby bushes. Her heart pounded briefly in her chest, revertebrating through her head in an echo. Any sense of frustration left her body just as it suddenly grew from each attack. Her grip loosened around her sister's sword.

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