Rantaro makes a chat with middle schoolers and Kazuichi is cursed again

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AN: I know that the kids are in the highest year of elementary school for Japan, but in this, they're first year middle schoolers(Or secondary school. Whatever the term is). Also, the only events that actually happened in the real world(The Danganronpa stuff is a simulator) is the Another Episode stuff. The only difference is that everyone that has a name/wasn't just a blue or purple/pink glob survived. For example, Yuta Asahina, Monaca, and Chihiro's dad survived.

[5:00 pm]

What would happen if we were stuck on an island with a cute rabbit but a sadistic bear

Sleeby Gaymer has kicked Car fucking from the chat

Sleeby Gaymer: so people

Sleeby Gaymer: stay up with me and watch Souda become cursed

Sleeby Gaymer: it's hilarious, but it also feels vaguely threatening

GimME: Sure!

Boss baby: Fucking fine, I guess

Fruit ninja: I guess I will stay up as well. What time did this happen last time?

Ojime: 3 am

Sleeby Gaymer: if you want to join us, just stay up. let me just

Sleeby Gaymer has added Car fucking to the chat

Sleeby Gaymer: :)

Car fucking: I feel threatened-

Ojime: Revenge

Car fucking: Okay then, I guess


[5:15 pm]

Rantaro Amami has created the chat

Rantaro Amami has changed the chat name to Traumatized Childs

Rantaro Amami has changed their name to Sisterkill

Sisterkill has added 4 people to the chat

Sisterkill: fukawa, do you know those middle school children that you and naegi met?

Toko Fukawa: I'm assuming you mean Omaru, and yes, I do. Let me guess. You want me to add them, right?

Toko Fukawa: ... Pathetic. So predictable. I'll add them, but don't think I'm doing this for you or anything!

Toko Fukawa has added 5 people to the chat

Monaca Towa: Huh? What's this?

Sisterkill: hello

Nagisa Shingestu: Hello.

Toko Fukawa has changed Masaru Daimon's name to narcissistic brat

narcissistic brat: Hey!

Toko Fukawa has changed their name to Fuckawa

Kotoko Utsugi: That complaining is adorbs! Maybe you should do it more! Then again, people wouldn't like you as much for it. That doesn't matter though, right?

narcissistic brat: Fuck off Kotoko

Kotoko Utsugi has changed their name to Adorable <3

Adorable <3: Anyway, what is this even for? I doubt you would add us without a good reason!

Sisterkill: because why not

Sisterkill: we want to talk to other traumatized people so why the hecc not

Sisterkill: besides

Sisterkill: therap

narcissistic brat:

narcissistic brat: You know what okay


[2:50 am]

What would happen if we were stuck on an island with a cute rabbit but a sadistic bear

Die furries: It is almost time for the cursed one to awaken

Horny for hope: Let's just hope that he's not actually cursed. That wouldn't be good.

Car fucking has come online

Car fucking: why the fuck did the americans end up thinking slavery is bad when they had no backlash from it?

Ojime: Da faq

who needs sleep or food: what the everloving fuck

Car fucking: what if our universe is just a science project of some alien ass kid?

Boss baby: What the hell Souda?

Car fucking: shut. that is a legitamate question


Car fucking: what if i'm the only person on earth? no one else exists. people i see or interact with on a regular basis might be fucking imaginations in my mind. everyone else behaves just the way i subconsciously imagine them to.

Fruit ninja: I don't know whether I should be laughing or genuinely concerned.

Ojime: Btho

Fruit ninja: Okay then.

Car fucking: my eye socket is warm.

Cuwutie Nuwurse: That's.... not a good thing, Souda....

Sleeby Gaymer: souda you good there buddy :(

Car fucking: does the pope wear a short hat

Sleeby Gaymer: no

Car fucking: there's your answer.

Sleeby Gaymer: :(


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