Some Celesgiri fluff

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AN: I tried to write some happy stuff. It probably sucks. Anyway, sorry for the short chapter! I hope you enjoy it! If you have any ideas for future chapters or other fanfiction ideas, feel free to let me know. Also, how would you people feel about me writing a Kindergarten/Kindergarten 2 fanfiction? I've got into the games again, and now I'm obsessed with Billy .-.. Maybe I'm biased because of Bill Denbrough but whatever.

[4:57 pm]

Class 78

Pennywise: im soooo bored

program a trap: i mean same though

program a trap: holy shit

Songbird: What?

program a trap: @Rules our grate @rides like I ride bikes

Rules our grate: What is it, Fujisaki?

program a trap: so nanami just messaged me saying that stevie and the other hall monitor from kindergarten 2 are basically you two lmao

Pennywise: LMAO-


rides like I bikes: i mean yeah basically.

Rules our grate: True.

program a trap: wait, you two have played the games?

Rules our grate: I have.

Pennywise: nice

Money in my pocket: Kirigiri, would you like to come with me to a little tea place down the corner and talk? I would ask someone else if you didn't want to, but I don't know anyone else who enjoys it that much.

Ace: Sure. Meet me at the dorm entrance?

Money in my pocket: Alright.

Two people have gone offline

DonUt RuN At tHe pOoLsIde: Ooooooo

Songbird: I see a potential relationship :D

Pennywise: why do you use those smiley faces-

Songbird: Would you like me to rip you apart?

Pennywise: oh jeez

(Cue me being to lazy to find a divider so you get this)

Celestia was quite excited about going to get tea with Kyoko. She had gotten permission before she had asked and was pleased when she was allowed. With her signature dress and twin-drill pigtail clip-ons(They are actually fake, as seen when the girls take a bath. She is seen without them) on, Celestia walked gracefully through dorms to get to the entrance. She waved at Kyoko.

"I am very glad you came. Normally, my offers aren't accepted, " the gambler stated with her fake European accent. The other girl nodded.

"Since I had nothing else to do, I decided to come with you. Besides, Naegi says I need to spend more time with my other classmates." Celestia nodded, and the two began to walk, talking on the way. The goth of the two learned plenty of details about Kyoko, and the same could be said the other way around.

"Which tea would you recommend?" the detective asked suddenly after a moment of thinking.

"Let me think... Personally, I prefer milk tea, however I think you might prefer the Tieguanyin tea," Celestia answered, "It's for you to decide." In the end, Kyoko got Tieguanyin tea. The two talked more while they waited and received their tea. Eventually, the two finished and began to go back to the dorms.

"That was quite interesting. If you enjoyed it, we might have to do this more often," the gambler stated with a small smile as they made it back.

"I suppose so," the other responded as they sat in the living room(I honestly have no idea what it's called but eh.) and talked some more.

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