Kazuichi becomes cursed

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[2:00 am]

What would happen if we were stuck on an island with a cute rabbit but sadistic bear

METAL has come online


Car fucking has come online

Car fucking: I'm here


Car fucking: And I'm not

Car fucking: Go to sleep Mioda


Car fucking: I will


2 people have gone offline


[3:00 am]

What would happen if we were stuck on an island with a cute rabbit but sadistic bear

2 people have come online

Ojime: Wait it's already three in the morning? I didt'n reaizle that.

Sleeby Gaymer: your spelling is horrible

Ojime: So is yoru capitaliztaoin

Sleeby Gaymer: fuck off

Car fucking has come online

Ojime: Souda? I tohught Mioda told you ot go to slebe

Car fucking: i know

Sleeby Gaymer: go to sleep souda

Car fucking: how many human teeth could you fit inside a human lung

Ojime: What hte fuck, Souda?

Car fucking: how many

Sleeby Gaymer: why are you even asking this

Car fucking: water bottles are great and stuff, but why does no one just eat the plastic after you drink the water

Ojime: WAHT thE FcUK

Sleeby Gaymer: i'm very concerned.....

Car fucking: if i could walk on water, would i still be jesus or would it cancel out because of the way i am

Sleeby Gaymer: yep. definitely concerned

Ojime: Sohould we get ihm a therapits or something??

Sleeby Gaymer: nah. this is hilarious

Car fucking: if i ate a bible while staring directly at god, how long do you think it would take for him to vibe check me into hell

Ojime: Oen seocnd

Sleeby Gaymer: agreed.

Car fucking: if a male loses his virginity the moment his genitals is in the female genitalia then this means that all boys are not virgins for we have all be inside a woman before aka the mother. The only exception of this are the babies given birth to via cutting open the womb, the reason for this due to the fact that the baby did not go through the female genitalia

Ojime: Well tehre goes ym sleep

Sleeby Gaymer: jesus christ souda.

Car fucking: color is produced by the wavelengths of light bouncing off an object, but the "color" black does not bounce off any of it, making it have rainbow powers. Now... black people, using their skin color they too can harness the power of rainbows. here's another thing. the rainbow is used in the gay pride flag, putting all the evidences together you will get. gay pride flag = rainbow = wavelengths of light = taken in by the color black : black people = black = take in wavelengths. this means that black people are gay

Sleeby Gaymer: so mike hanlon in gay

Car fucking: yes

Sleeby Gaymer: wait, you've seen IT?

Car fucking: yeah. i binge watched both chapter one and two with taka, shuichi, and rantaro

Ojime: Well dnag

Car fucking: if you sit on a table is it considered a chair or is it still a table

Ojime: Stlil a table

Sleeby Gaymer: both

Ojime: Chiaki wtf

Car fucking: why do people say something is on fire when fire is on things

Sleeby Gaymer: that's... actually a good question

Ojime: Well, I'm oigng to sleep

Sleeby Gaymer: i guess i'll sleep too. souda, go to sleep

Car fucking: fine

Ojime: Thnaks

Sleeby Gaymer: yw

3 people have gone offline


[10:00 am]

What would happen if we were stuck on an island with a cute rabbit but sadistic bear

Boss baby has come online

Boss baby: What the actual fuck Souda?

3 people have come online


Car fucking: SOrry! I did for a few minutes, but I woke up again!

Ojime: That was fucking torture

GimME has come online

GimME: So what's happened the two days I wasn't online?

Ojime: Well, last night, Souda freaked me out. I don't know about Chiaki

GimME: Wait.... Hanamura isn't here anymore!

GimME has added sauce to the chat

GimME: There!

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