Junko outs Kazuichi

104 3 6

[2:00 pm]

What would happen if we were stuck on an island with a cute rabbit but a sadistic bear

Tall emo twin: hey guys! this is junko fucking enoshima!

Horny for hope: I hope you d i e

Tall emo twin: oh come on! besides, i came here to change some names real quick!

Car fucking: Oh shit-

Tall emo twin has changed 14 names

Tall emo twin: i don't have anything for koizumi or gundham so their names havent been changed. i'll stay so i can change the names back!

Tall emo twin: @everyone please come on and send a space if i've changed your name!

used to be a servant for the WOH:

single handedly fucked everyone in the simulator:

played tennis before:

while inexperienced, almost killed someone while working:

not a virgin:

has a soft spot for their classmates:

hardly eats or sleeps:

surprisingly bi:

likes sweet stuff:

stuck something up an enemy's ass:

wanted in over 10 counties:

made someone go deaf while inexperienced:

went with only a little food for a month once:

biphobic family:

biphobic family: Enoshima I swear to any deity out there that I will kill you

Tall emo twin: :)

Selfie Mom: @hardly eats or sleeps is obviously Mitarai. Please eat and sleep. P l e a s e

Tall emo twin has changed hardly eats or sleeps' name to who needs sleep or food

wanted in over 10 countries: I see no difference.

who needs sleep or food: shush. also, you're imposter, right? i remember you telling me something about that

Tall emo twin has changed wanted in over 10 countries' name to Copycat

went with only a little food for a month once: Why?

Copycat: Identity theft, I think.

Selfie Mom: @single handedly fucked everyone in the simulator I will kill you, whoever you are.

single handedly fucked everyone in the simulator: Okay okay! Also, @not a virgin is Nevermind(AN Would people other than Gundham call her by her first name because she's not Japanese, or would they still call her by her last name? Idk), right?

not a virgin: Dangit!

Tall emo twin has changed not a virgin's name to Occult is fun

surprisingly bi: @biphobic family would you happen to be Komaeda?

biphobic family: Nope

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