Kids meet teens

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[4:34 pm]

Traumatized Childs

Sisterkill: i just realized that we didn't finish naming people

Sisterkill has changed Nagisa Shingetsu's name to Try hard

Sisterkill has changed Jataro Kemuri's name to McFucking Beautiful

narcissistic brat: It's already a bit after 4:30 and I'm still tired. Jesus christ.(AN same here buddy)

Fuckawa: Then sleep, you dolt

narcissistic brat: But I c a n ' t

Fuckawa: Oh sure, you can't. Suuuuuuure

Try hard: He has his reasons.

Sisterkill has changed Monaca Towa's name to Legs? Who needs 'em?

Adorable <3: You don't have to go to sleep! Maybe just talk to us! It helps in staying awake!

narcissistic brat: Okay!

kinky shark noises: You guys need fucking therapy

Legs? Who needs 'em?: And you others don't?

Sisterkill: good point. anyway, I still don't really know you people.

Adorable <3: Oh! That's right! We haven't introduced ourselves yet! I'm Utsugi Kotoko!

Try hard: I'm Shingetsu Nagisa.

narcissistic brat: I'm Daimon Masaru, the leader of the Warriors of Hope! Or.. used to be anyway!

McFucking Beautiful: I guess I'll introduce myself. My name is Kemuri Jataro

Legs? Who needs 'em?: I'm Towa Monaca.

kinky shark noises: Nice! My name's Souda Kazuichi!

rules kink: My name is Ishimaru Kiyotaka!

Sisterkill: im amami rantaro

ExpressoLessDepresso: My name is Shuichi Saihara, and I'm assuming that you already know Fukawa.

Adorable <3: Yep!

kinky shark noises: Anyway, I got to go help Komaeda with something. Hinata and Nanami would probably kill me if I didn't!

Legs? Who needs 'em?: Wait.. Komaeda Nagito?

Adorable <3: Oh shoot! So Servant goes to their school?

kinky shark noises: That's the one. And servant?

Adorable <3: It's nothing! Don't worry about it!

Fuckawa: I don't know too much, but Omaru told me that the cum headed psycho worked for those kids while they took over Towa City

Sisterkill: damn you kids can dominate

rules kink: Do you want me to add you five to a chat that we have for our grade?

Adorable <3: Uhhhhhh.. Sure! I'm fine with it!

narcissistic brat: Same here!

Try hard: I'll join.

Legs? Who needs 'em?: Sure! I would be very happy to talk to your classmates.

McFucking Beautiful: Sure, I guess.


Too Many Classes + People

Eds has added 5 people to the chat

Eds has changed 5 names

Eds: Welcome!

Adorable <3: Yay! This day is great so far! Now all we have to do is get Masaru to not be so narcissistic!

narcissistic brat: That's so overused by you! Jeez..

Lesbian Therapist: Wait

Lesbian Therapist: WOH???

Legs? Who needs 'em?: Yep!

Adorable <3: KOMARU!!!!

narcissistic brat: I'm happy on so many levels right now. And crying because of this. Great! It's good to see you Komaru!

Diss writer: It's funny how you go from hating us, and all adults, to being extremely happy when you see us. You really are kids.

DonUt RuN At tHe pOoLsIde: WAIT KIDS????

Try hard: Indeed.

DonUt RuN At tHe pOoLsIde: My brother talks about you five a lot.

Adorable <3: There are two Asahina siblings? I was only aware of Asahina Yuta!

Do you wanna die do you wanna die do you wanna go far: You'll fit right in with Ouma, then


PantaFucker: Hey!!!!!

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