Ryota finna murder Kazuichi

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AN: Sorry for this being short! I don't know what to write right now. ._. Also, sorry about bringing something serious into the fic, and then not mentioning it at all! I just wanted to put that there, and then it'll be brought up later whenever something happens. That probably doesn't make sense :/. It'll hopefully make sense later.

[4:12 pm]

What would happen if we were stuck on an island with a cute rabbit but a sadistic bear

Ojime: What the FUCKfkafkanfdkfnrfkernkefj i"M dYInG-

Occult is fun: What is the matter?

Ojime: KaZUICHi wHAt tHE hEll DID YOu dO ThAt FoR

Car fucking: ShUT Up HAjImE

Sleeby Gaymer: ?


Boss baby: What the actual hell Souda?!

Occult is fun: I-


who needs food or sleep: what-

who needs food or sleep: souda i am this close to coming to your dorm and murdering you

Ojime: I hate to be rude to you but

Ojime: You have the physique of a mcfucking twink.

who needs food or sleep: i will find other ways. maybe ill drown him or push him off a high place after drugging him to make him come with me.

Copycat: I have concerns.

Sleeby Gaymer: you're not alone friend

GimME: What the hell Mitarai

who needs food or sleep:

who needs food or sleep has gone offline


Car fucking: REEeEEEeeEEEEdontkillmedontkillme-

who needs food or sleep has come online

who needs food or sleep: (-:

who needs food or sleep has gone offline

Car fucking: FUCK

Ojime: OH ShIT rip Kazuichi-


Car fucking has gone offline

Copycat: I'll go stop Ryota from doing whatever he's doing.

Copycat has gone offline

GimME: This is honestly what would probably happen if Mitarai got the Despair Disease or smth.

Ojime: True.

Sleeby Gaymer: i just hope no one dies. too much stuff to do as the class rep if someone dies

Ojime: Well damn.

3 people have come online

Copycat: Ryota, what the hell?

Car fucking: REEEeeeeEEEeEEeEEEeeEE

who needs food or sleep: i meant what i did. shut

Minion sinner: Wait. What did you do?!

Car fucking: He PUshEd ME dOWN tHe sTaIRS

Sleeby Gaymer: there aren't any stairs at souda's room, though. .-.

Copycat: Ryota dragged Souda up the stairs, only to push him down them.

who needs food or sleep: i can do what i want. it's not a crime. i have my mcfucking rights stfu

Copycat: It's a crime, you idiot.

who needs food or sleep: s h u t

Ojime: Well uh

Ojime: Quick someone change the topic

Sleeby Gaymer: the characters in kingdom hearts games are hot

Horny for hope: As someone that she forced to play it with, I can confirm. Ventus is h o t

Ojime: So much Disney in it though ._.

Occult is fun: I want to summon a demon.

Car fucking: That was random

Occult is fun: I know.

Car fucking: Nice.

GimME: I was going to say smth, but I got hungry. Hold on a minute

GimME has gone offline

Selfie Mom: This is random and potentially very personal, but I want an answer. Souda, what happened to being a simp over Sonia? I realize that you've dated her and Tanaka, but you stopped whenever you stopped being with them. Why is that?

Car fucking: Honestly? I don't know. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I've been trying to hide my biseOHGODOHSHITMITARAIGETTHEFUCKAWAYFROMMEEEEEEEEEE

Car fucking has gone offline

who needs food or sleep: i got you now

Ojime: Oh shit

Copycat: Ryota I swear. S t o p

who needs food or sleep: n o. this is my life's p u r p o s e

Copycat: Liar. I'm coming to you and dragging you back to my room.

Copycat has gone offline

who needs food or sleep: o h sh it halp

Sleeby Gaymer: nah

who needs food or sleep has gone offline

Car fucking has come online 

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