Kazuichi gives everyone a psychopath test

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AN: So remember how I said that Komaru would be applying to HPA as the Ultimate Therapist? Well fuck that idea. She's isn't applying because of this: Hajime later got the official title of the Ultimate Councellor(I got this idea from another fic that I can't remember the name of), but still has classes with the Reserve Course. Just like how students in the classes for Ultimates can skip class to work on their talents, Hajime can do the same thing, except he doesn't really skip class. He is either in class with the Reserve Course or Class 77. If he isn't doing that, he is working as a councellor and helps other students. I hope that makes sense!

[7:36 pm]

Too Many Classes + People

Richie: @everyone come online! I got some riddles to test something hehehe

B-b-bill: i think i know where ur going with this

Eds: Same.

Mikey: Yeah

narcissistic brat: I'm nervous but excited at the same time.

Richie: Well, anyone that's reading this can answer!

Richie: First riddle!

Richie: A man goes out in the middle of the night to his kitchen to get a glass of water. When he finishes, he glances to the right and sees a robber. The man quickly runs and hides in the closet. Now, if you were the robber, and you saw all of that and had a knife, what would you do>

Ben: Jesus Christ Souda.

Mikey: I would go to the front door, open it and close it, and then walk back to the closet and stab him once he comes out.

Eds: Just make the man come out by opening and closing a door before waiting for him to come out.

B-b-bill: you bait the dude by going to the door, opening and closing it, then waiting for him to come out and stab him.

Ojime: I feel very violated.

Copycat: I'm concerned

who needs food or sleep has come online

who needs food or sleep: ooo we doing these riddles? Nice

Richie: Hey Mitarai! Anyway, does anyone else have an answer?

Fruit ninja: I would just open the door and kill him.

Boss baby: Yeah

Richie: Well, you two are incorrect! Shuichi, Rantaro, and Taka got it right!

rides like I ride bikes: the fuck

Ben: I have... so many questions.

Sleeby Gaymer: what the hell?

B-b-bill: whats wrong

Richie: Next one!

Richie: A child gets presents for Christmas. He gets a bicycle and a soccer ball, but he isn't happy. Why?

who needs sleep or food: he got no legs yeet

B-b-bill: the kid has no mcfucking legs

Depussy has changed their name to de luny

de luny: Jeez... I say that he just didn't like them

Do you wanna die do you wanna die do you wanna go far: Knowing most kids, it's either that they want something else or they want more, so I'll just agree with Akamatsu on this one.

Mikey: He has no legs

Eds: The child is missing his legs!

Selfie Mom: He wanted something else.

Richie: Shuichi, Taka, Rantaro, and Mitarai are correct!


program a trap: Wtf dad-

Adorable <3: Oh god


Lesbiab Child(It's Komaru. I changed the name because of smth I'll put in the notes): I have.... so MANY cONcErRNS

Lesbiab Child: WhY DoES hE hAVE nO lEgS

B-b-bill: he got r a n o ver lol

Toaster bath: Why are you saying that so casually-

Mikey: Because fuck you all that's why

Richie: Alright next one. So you're at your aunt's funeral, and you see someone that you immediately fall in love with. The next day, you kill your sister. Why?

Money in my pocket: It's so that you see the person at her funeral.

B-b-bill: i feel like that was supposed to offend me .-. Anyway, it;s so that you see the person at your sister's funeral

Richie: Yep!

Ojime: jeSUS fUCK

Richie: Don't worry! We're almost done! So the next one: before you go to bed, you decide to step out onto the balcony for some fresh air. As you do that, you happen to see someone in the building across from yours kill someone. Unfortunately, that murderer also sees you. They point at you, and then they quickly move their finger up and down a few times. Why?

Pennywise: isn't it to warn you that they're coming for you next

Do you wanna die do you wanna die do you wanna go far: They're counting the floors.

Mikey: The killer is counting the floors so that they can come and kill you.

who needs food or sleep: theyre counting the floors to see which floor you're on.

Eds: The murderer is counting the floors!

Richie: Good job to Harukawa, Shuichi, Mitarai, and Taka! The killer is counting the floors!

Sleeby Gaymer: i am actually concerned right now

Copycat: Same.

Ojime: Same here.

rides like I ride bikes: what the everloving fuck

Richie: Alright! That's the last one I'm giving!

Ojime: Thank fuck.

PantaFucker: I can c o me out of h id i n g n o w

Richie: Just to let you people know, that was a psychopath test! :D

program a trap: DAD WTH NooOOOoOOOoOo


de luny: Shuichi. Amami. (-: I'm going to find you

B-b-bill: oh shit run

Mikey: Fuck-

Richie: Rip Rantaro and Shuichi. Cause of death: A very powerful bisexual

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