Chapter Seven

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Weeks had gone by since you had first appeared aboard this ship and met Data's cat, Spot. You, of course, had instantly taken a liking to your feline friend, and to Data's surprise, she greatly took a liking to you too (what you didn't tell him was that it was because you occasionally snuck her little bits of whip cream). 

You hadn't gone on the bridge too often in the day because you had little to do there, but occasionally you would go on if Wesly was there too. You thought he was a sharp kid and you enjoyed discussions with him, even if was quite a bit younger than you. 

Every second Data had off you would spend together and study him closely, always getting into highly philosophical discussions. You had never learned as much about artificial intelligence in your entire life of study then you had with your time spent with Data.

As of right now, you were in Data's quarters, it was the evening. Geordi sits on a bench next to Data, Bones sits at the table, and you sit on the ground with your back leaning against Data's legs as he braids your hair.

"Has there been any progress with helping you return to your timeline?" Geordi asks.

"Not that I'm aware of. Still, no one can figure out how I even got here." You sigh, knowing that every day spent here will make the trip back home even harder. Already you considered the crew to be close friends, and you couldn't bear the thought of leaving them forever. 

"I have completed the braid." Data said as he leaned back in his seat. 

"Thank's Data, I can't believe how perfectly and quickly you can do it. When I try braiding it It always looks wonky and takes an hour." You laughed as you slightly changed your position, you still sat on the floor but now you were only slightly leaning one of Data's legs. He rested his hand next to his leg, his long fingers resting against your back. You blushed.

"You feeling okay? You look a bit uneasy, are you running a fever?" Bones asked.

Suddenly you felt Data's fingers push your hair out of the way and rest across your forehead, "She is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, doctor." 

"That's normal." Bones said nodding his head feeling assured. 

Data dropped his hand and now rested it on your shoulder. You tried to ignore it.

"Have you seen the holodeck yet?" Geordi asked.

"No, I haven't!" You said, "But I've been really excited to check it out. Data told me all about it. It's definitely something I need to experience before I return home." You said grinning.

"Maybe he can take you some time," Geordi said as he quickly winked at Data. 

"Yes, that would be fantastic." You added. "Is it true there are people in the holodeck?" 

"Do you mean when the holodeck creates people for a program?" Geordi asked.

You nodded your head yes.

"Yes, there are! Why do you ask?"

"I am curious about the intelligence behind these temporary beings. Do they have emotions and free thoughts, or are they purely just illusions using our emotional feedback to emit the correct responses so they appear to be thinking or feeling?" You ask.

"I believe, primarily the latter." Data responded. 

"Interesting. I would love to see these in action."

"I will take you soon." Data said, his hand lightly gripping your shoulder.

"Thank you," you managed to whisper. 

"Interesting? (y/n) you are sounding like Spock," Bones jokingly scoffed from the table. 

You just rolled your eyes. 

Geordi whistled as he looked at the time, "I think I had better go to sleep now."

"Yeah, I should probably do the same." Bones said as the two of them stood up, you stayed where you were.

"Are you also going to sleep?" Data asked as he looked down at you. 

"No, not yet. I'm not really tired." You said.

"I have a night shift on the bridge now, would you like to accompany me?" Data asked.

You nodded and grinned as the both of you stood up. All of you left Data's quarters. Geordi and Bones called goodnight as they waved and left towards their quarters. You said goodnight back and you and Data were on your merry way to the bridge. 

The bridge was different at night, it felt peaceful. The lights were dimmed and it was colder than it usually was. Despite just being you and Data, there was still noise. But instead of talking and breathing, the noises were just a soft hum of the ship and various little beeps from control panels and vents. 

Data took his place in the captain's chair, you sat down next to him and tucked your feet under you. 

" just sit here all night alone?" You asked.

Data cocked his head a little bit, "Yes. But as you see, tonight, I am not alone."

You smiled as the comfortable silence fell back over the bridge. You listened to the little beeps and boops of the ship and took a deep breath and hummed a tune quietly to yourself.

"What is that you are humming?" Data asked.

You didn't realize it had been loud enough for him to hear, "I'm not sure, I guess I just made it up on the spot," you said laughing quietly. You weren't sure why considering there was no one else on the bridge, but you felt the need to talk at an almost whisper. 

"Please continue." Data said, "It sounded pleasant." 

You couldn't say no to his smile and continued softly humming for several minutes before you stopped.

"Thank you," Data said.

"You're welcome?" You said laughing, "Can you sing Data?" 

"Yes, I am well versed in many songs. Would you like me to sing one for you?"

"I would be delighted," you chuckled.

Suddenly Data began crooning in an exceptionally amazing voice a song in what you thought was possibly Italian. Your eyes opened wide.

His song came to a finish, "Was that adequate?" 

"holy What!?" You said at a loss of words, "Data that was amazing! You never cease to amaze me." 

You caught a glimmer of pride in his eyes again as he smiled. You were curious about what made Data smile, it was always just the slightest of upturning of his lips but you caught it regardless. You weren't sure if he had trained himself to do it to appear more human, or if there was a tinge of emotion in there reaching for the light. 

"Do you enjoy being creative?"

"As one of my pursuits to be more human, I often try taking up artistic forms as a means of learning."

"Oh? Like what?"

"I engage in the art forms of poetry, painting, acting as well as the musical forms of violin, oboe, and song." 

You whistled, "wow, you have quite the array of skill." 

"Yes, but the creation process I find difficult. I have been told that I need to stop imitating and create my own rules and 'inner voice'."

"Ah, that is indeed what makes the most successful artists." You said thinking.

"Do you enjoy creating?" Data asked.

"Very much so! I dabble in a lot of things..." you yawned and rested your chin on your hand. You could feel your eyelids getting heavy from the peaceful atmosphere. "You know, Data, I'm actually happy the time warp happened and I ended up here. I feel you are the best event that could possibly happen to my learning."

"Likewise (y/n), you have taught me much. Without your presence, there would be emptiness." 

You smiled once more as you drifted to sleep in your chair on his promising words. 

LIGHT-YEARS AWAY (Data x Reader) // Star TrekWhere stories live. Discover now