8 - I'm Not a Traitor! (Kasumi)

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Dia helped me to my feet, giving me a firm smile before turning to walk back to Aqours' room.

I stared at the door again for a few seconds - Ayumu's panic obvious to me even from outside. I placed my hand on the door handle. Surprised to feel it move, I let out a squeal and threw myself backwards onto the floor. Dia came running back, just as Emma opened the door.

Emma looked at me in shock, going to help me up, before Kasumi slapped her hand away.

"Hanging out with the other groups, huh?! Are we not good enough?!"

Kasumi's pale face was flushed with anger, something I had never seen before.

"N-no! It's not like that!" I exclaimed weakly. Dia and Emma exchanged nervous glances, as I stood up again, seeing Kasumi glare up at me.

"Karin heard you sneaking off with Honoka last night! And to confirm our suspicion..." Kasumi pulled out her phone and held it up to my face. "There's a photo of you in their room that she posted!!"

I don't even know what about her statement made me so shocked, Kasumi's cute persona didn't even begin to occur to me. Why was she so mad?! This wasn't normal!

She turned to Dia next. "And what has Y/N said to you? To make you feel bad for her? To make us look bad?!"

Dia remained silent, simply gesturing at Emma to follow her, which she did. Kasumi returned to glaring at me, which only subsided when Ayumu made an appearance at the door and threw herself in my arms.

Kasumi looked at me evilly, and for a minute I could have sworn I saw her blush.

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