Chapter eight

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The sound of a clock ticking at a steady pace flows through my ears as all I could see was darkness with the sudden pain of throbbing coming from my head. It hurts and I unconsciously move my hand to the very spot that causes me pain.


I hear someone call my name in whisper almost in able to catch it. Though I can't recognise the voice right now but it sounds oddly familiar. A painful groan escapes my lips and I shift in whatever and wherever it is I may be and slowly open my eyes to adjust to what little light there surprisingly was in this room.

It wasn't just any room, it's was someone's office. The fresh scent of the outdoor pines and I swea I could pick up the scent of lavender. Which is weird to smell indoors unless there was say a fragrance candle or something somewhere.

"Y/n how are you feeling?"

I turn to my right to see Namjoon smiling lightly at me from his chair with his legs crossed over one another and his hands firmly placed over his lap.

"How did I get here? I was in the..."

I stopped myself when I suddenly remembered that I was in the woods. I found my dragons and yet they didn't want to speak with me. They flew away and I even heard blacks voice before I was knocked over. Though I'm not stupid to putting two and two together. He did this to me, I heard him say sorry before something tripped me up and now here I am in what looks like Namjoons patient office, telling by the long sofa I'm currently laying down on.

"What is it y/n?" Namjoon

He tilts his head to the side in worry and concern, staring back at me through his glasses.

"I was in the woods. How did I end up here?"

I pushed myself up a little more but winced in pain with the throbbing of my head. Namjoon immediately stood up from his chair in worry and cake to my side to sit on his knees next to me.

"Don't move around too much just lay down. You'll be fine." Namjoon

He gently placed his warm hand on my forehead to which I did as he said and laid my head back down to rest comfortably on a cushion behind me.

"Shouldn't I be somewhere else after a head injury?"

I asked only with a chuckle to lighten up the mood just a little bit since he became suddenly so tense.

"Yes that's true. You were with Yoongi since he had a look at you. You're fine by the way just out for a few hours and Jungkook even insisted on taking a MRI scan done on you head just to be sure no damage was done internally." Namjoon

I listened carefully to what he told me but yet that doesn't explain to me how I got here or why I'm not out with any other patients but I'm this room with Namjoon.

"Well that's good I suppose. But why am I in here....with you?"

I became suddenly very nervous about asking him. Now coming to realise I am alone with him and out of all the guys so far these past few weeks I've started here Namjoon is the one I haven't spent much time with. His aura around makes me feel intimidated but I know that's not how he intents to make me feel, it's just what I feel being around him. He feels so powerful, strong yet he does have times when I feel nothing but calmness.

"We thought it be better is you were in here with me so I can keep an eye on you since everyone is still working." Namjoon

"Does that mean you're off shift right now? Because I don't want to keep you from getting your rest Namjoon. I should just get going."

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