Chapter eleven

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Again another busy shift at work but I wouldn't have it any other way. I still love my job and wouldn't change it for the world.

Taking my car keys out my bag I walk to my car as I do every night and unlock it as I approached closer but stopped in my tracks when something large and pink comes to visible view in amongst the trees. Fully turning to that large whatever it is I widen my eyes in shock to see pink, as in my dragon pink staring back at me as he sits down. Like a few weeks ago with the other two he doesn't try to run away instead he stays there looking at me as if he wants me to see him.

So locking my car again I walk into the woods with my full sights remaining on him but still he doesn't move away until get much closer to him. That's when he gets up and only takes a few steps to the side to probably come out of view from the car park in case anyone was to see him.

I followed his moves until I was standing right in front of him staring up at his big orange eyes, that bore into my own. I'm thankful he doesn't try to run away which makes me hopeful that one of them doesn't seem to hate me anymore since it was clear he made himself visible for me to see.


I waved up at him suddenly lost for words. I swear the way his jaw curves slightly it was as if he was smiling.

"Hi y/n." Pink

There was something about the way he says my name now sounds so familiar but I push it away since it could be memories from years ago.

"Pink you don't hate me do you? Did I do something bad for the others to not like me anymore? Because I promise I came back to look for all of you but none of we're there. Or was there something else that I apparently did, something that I shouldn't of? I don't know what it is but I'm sorry!"

The dragon shakes his head rapidly to lower his head to be eye level with me.

"No you've done nothing wrong. You couldn't do anything wrong to us y/n. None of us hate you either it's just a whole misunderstanding and those jerks didn't handle that very well the last time you seen them." Pink

He turns his head to the side and huffs out a puff of hot steamy grey smoke through his nostrils and a dark glare to the nearest tree.

"So why did they run away from me?"

Pinks large head again slowly turns my way.

"There's a lot of things going on y/n. I mean a lot and we wanted to keep you safe and get rid of the problem first before we revealed ourselves to you. I guess the others panicked when you found them." Pink

"Like what? Could you tell me and maybe I could help?"

He was quick to shake his head to to lift it up a little bit as he done so so he wouldn't knock me over somehow.

"I can't y/n the less you know the less danger you would be in. Trust me okay?" Pink

I had no reason not to trust him. So I nod and agree I won't press any further about it.

"Okay I'll trust you. Oh, by the way how can I hear you all when I'm at work? You know at the hospital it's so weird."

I pointed at the hospital through the bushes and I noticed how his eyes widen slightly as if taken back by my question.

"Oh, well from here you'd be able to hear our thoughts and we would yours." Pink

I forgot they could hear my thoughts also but I didn't know from the distance of the hospital and the woods that they would be able to hear me. Not that's it's far away it's just I thought we had to be fairly close to one another.

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