Chapter twenty-three

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I was a mixture of nerves and excitement tonight for my date with Ben. I like him, I do and I have a few questions for him about this whole dragons thing going on. He may even know more about dragons than I do and I think that may be the case actually. But I was ready to find out.

However being here on this date with Ben, I just couldn't help but every now and again think about my dragons. I try not to since I believe they don't deserve the fact that I think about them but I can't help it.

I even start to feel a little guilty about even being here but then I remind myself of what they did so why should I feel guilty?

Yes we're not in a relationship but still it hurts just as much if we were in a relationship.

Screw them I can go on dates. At least I'm not fucking Ben like they did with Sun-hee.

I was in the bathroom of the restaurant while Ben was still at our table. I needed to excuse myself because my thoughts of the dragons were becoming too much and I needed to cool off a little bit.

It doesn't help that I feel like I'm being watched but when I look around the restaurant I don't see anyone that I recognise.

After checking my make up in the mirror and washing my hands I then left and returned back to the table with Ben smiling at me but this time our drinks were served on the table.

"I'm sorry about that."

Ben just waves me off unbothered by my visit to the ladies room.

"Don't sweat it, it's totally fine. When you've got to go you've got to go." Ben

We laughed together and I sat down pulling in my seat and already picking up my water to take a sip.

"So tell me about yourself y/n. What got you into becoming a gynaecologist?" Ben

Okay remember y/n, don't mention your dragons. He may seem okay and no matter how angry I am at then I can't turn them in to someone that I witnessed killed one. I'm not that pissed.

"Well my mom was a gynaecologist before she had my brother and I. She use to talk about it all the time as I was growing up and I couldn't help but want to do the same thing."

"So she's like an inspiration to you then?" Ben

I nod placing my glass back down on the table.

"Yes a big one. We're very close my mom and I and my brother and dad are close too."

Ben raised a brow in interest.

"You have a brother?" Ben

"Yeah. He's my big brother and works as a mechanic at my dads work place. Jae is a big pain in the ass but I love him."

I chuckle to myself to look down at the place mat on the table but looking back to Ben I seen the small smile upon his face that didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm sorry did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head and pierced his lips together.

"No. It's just the mention of your brother makes me think about my older sister." Ben

Oh yeah!

I remember that he mentioned that to me once before at the canteen.

"Yeah didn't you say she had a lot of boy problems?"

He nods again and looks up from the table to make eye contact with me.

"Yes a lot of them." Ben

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