Chapter twenty-seven

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(Before the club incident.)

I didn't like the thought of Y/n being out clubbing, even if it is with Eunha and Lisa, I still hated it. Another sleepless night of you ask me but I was starting to feel much better after my talk with Y/n earlier today. She mentioned in wanting to take things slow and just see where things go and  to be honest I'm more than happy with that. I think it's a good idea.

Because I cant sleep just like everyone else here at home, I was in the kitchen making coffee for myself. Jungkook was standing on the other side of the room from me, with the cupboard wide open trying to decide what snacks he wants to eat. Yoongi is in his room and so is Jimin doing god knows what, sleeping? I don't know.

Namjoon was on the balcony just watching the stars above and Jin and Taehyung were in the living room watching tv. It was just the seven of us tonight but all of us were very uneasy to know Y/n was out clubbing. It didn't fit very well and something was nibbling away that something was wrong.

"Can someone help me?! There's a man chasing me!" Y/n

Both Jungkook and I bolted out the kitchen, running through the living room as Jin and Taehyung did the same. Jimin and Yoongi came running down the stairs but Namjoon shouted back to us before he transformed into his dragon form.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi you three stay here!" Namjoon

Namjoon flew off in to the sky with Jin right behind him.

"We're on our way Y/n." Namjoon

I heard him say back to her and I sprinted to the balcony and leaped over the rails and transformed mid air with Jimin right beside me in doing the same thing and the four of us flew to the club that the girls told us they would be.

Because it was an emergency the four of us got to the club in seconds, and entered the club with no questions asked. We didn't have any time for that anyway.

Barging passed people, pushing them to the side to find y/n. I could sense that she was here but where?

I saw Namjoon and Jimin go in the same direction, pushing people out their way. Jin and I glanced at each other and then followed them.

I came to a stop up this dark hallway with black walls and LED lights. Jin grabbed my hand as we stood behind Namjoon and Jimin who were staring at a mans back. I could tell straight away who this was and let's just say I wanted to tear his head off at just the sight of him.

"Yes she does. They owe us their girl, after they took ours." Paul

Stepping to the side I could see Eunha standing a few feet away from Paul, in defence mode, ready for anything that came her way. Although I couldn't see Y/n or Lisa.

"We don't owe you anything, Paul." Namjoon

Paul stepped sideways so he could face either us or Eunha but when he did I could see Lisa's back facing Eunha's. It looked like she was cuddling someone. I could hear y/ns heart beat in fear. It angered me already and Jin tightned his grip on my wrist to prevent me from acting out.

"Ha! She will belong to us one way or another. You killed my love! Now I'm going to take yours!" Paul

That stupid grin on his face, crossed with mischief of evil I wanted to kill him. I hate this guy so much and to say he's going to take y/n from us, no, no.

We almost lost her twice and I'm not going to let another threat of her disappear come again.

With out thinking, I snatched my wrist from Jin and ran towards Paul, pushing Namjoon and Jimin out the way.


I was enraged with this guy and ran to him, grabbing him by the collar and tackling him to the floor with a punch to the face.

"Jimin take her out of here!" Jin

I heard him shouting but I was busy punching Paul in the face until he kicked me into the air, almost winding me since he used his real strength to get me off. I growled loudly, smoke puffing out my body. I didn't care, I wanted to kill him. He's not taking y/n, she belongs to us.

Paul flipped himself up to his feet  and wiped his nose of the black blood with a stupid grin on his face.

"Nice hit Hoseok I'll give you that." Paul

"Paul what you did tonight was a big mistake." Namjoon

Paul threw his head back and started to laugh bitterly.

"Are you fucking joking? This is pay back for what you did to us, to me! You killed Nadia!!" Paul

He angrily pointed a finger at Namjoon but Jin scoffed and rushed over to Paul and pushed his arm away from Namjoons face.

"She tried to kill Yoongi!! We had to kill her!!" Jin

"We didn't even know you were with her."

I commented, gritting my teeth together but keeping my back pressed against the wall, far away from him.

"Yeah well we were and soon enough you'll all feel what we feel. Pain." Paul

I growled again and charged at him, grabbing his shirt and because I ran into him with so much force our bodies fell through the wall of the club. I threw him to the floor and stomped on his stomach but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down to head butt me and get back up to run to the nearest window.

I cursed to myself and got up to run after him just in time to again push him face first through the wall of the men's bathroom and to the outside. The two of us covered in rumble of concrete and dirt but I didn't care, he's been pushing my buttons too much.

In the club I could hear Namjoon shouting at Lisa and Eunha to go with everyone else and leave the club but I was too busy again getting up and chasing Paul down the alley way who jumps and changes to his dark grey dragon form.

I only followed his actions and changed into my true form and flew after him high into the sky. I could hear Namjoon and Jin roar after me into the sky but I didn't look back, my sights were on Paul.

Paul looked back at me and I swear he smirked at me so I took a puff of air and blew fire at him. It may not kill him but other dragons breath can seriously hurt. I caught his tail which made him wail and high pitch scream. It made him slow down and I caught onto him, landing in his back and chomping my sharp teeth into his neck and together we began to fall back to earth and luckily land in a wood of trees.

Stepping on the wounded dragons neck to hold him down I roared in his face, baring my teeth at him but I looked up when I heard Namjoon and Jin scream for me in their own dragon forms and safely landed on the forest ground next to me.

Paul wriggled under my foot so I dig my claws into the scales of his skin, growling at him to stay still.

"What shall we do with him?" Jin

"Kill him, send a message to the other two."

I suggested staring Paul down into his own orange eyes. Paul is not part of our group so he wouldn't be able to hear our thoughts so he would have no clue what we're saying.

"That's not a bad idea actually." Namjoon

I let out a laugh and took out my claws from Paul's neck and stepped back. Paul curiously watching me and then to Namjoon and Jin. The three of us glanced at each other and Jin did the honours tearing his teeth into Paul's neck where my claws once were and chewed his way through the scales and flesh until Paul fell limp with a loud snap. Jin stayed still, teeth embedded in his flesh before he pulled back.

Namjoon kicked Paul's Body and then nodded in satisfaction.

"One down, two more to go." Namjoon

I laughed again and even Jin cracked a giggle also, but Namjoon isn't wrong. Y/n may not know who Paul was or even know anything about the other two but she's in danger constantly and if a threat comes up, we won't hesitate to end it.

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