Chapter thirty-six

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I was surprised when Namjoon suggested a out of the blue date tonight. Just the right of us at the restaurant. He told me had wanted to also discuss what happened between Jungkook and Sun-hee but also the dinner was part of an apology for what happened a few days ago back at their house.

So being offered dinner and some time with them I couldn't refuse.

After work I headed home to change my clothes and so did they and Jin did the honours of picking me up from my apartment and took me here to this restaurant with a private room in the back for all of us. He did mention they managed to get a private room here so easily because Jin himself saved the owners sons life a few years back and the owner has been generous to him ever since.

Taking a seat at the table with everyone here I came to realise that this is actually the first time I may have been anywhere with all of them in human form alone. Well unless it's at the hospital but that doesn't count it's work. Now coming to think about it I've only ever had sex with four of them now at work. So this is kind of new to me.

We made small talk to begin with ordered some food and drinks of course. Talking about our day and such. There's only so much you can discuss when it comes to patients. All that patient confidentiality and all that but there is ways to go around it for others to understand what you're saying. We can discuss cases but never mention names.

When we had finished eating, we ordered more drinks and that's when things started to become more serious when Namjoon kind of set the mood when his dark eyes met mine. Giving off his serious vibes.

"Y/n about Sun-her earlier.....we've fixed the problem." Namjoon

"Well kind of. We still have to see if she sticks to it and doesn't act up again." Yoongi

Namjoon glanced to Yoongi sitting beside him and nods confirming what he said to he true.

"Yes but we have to think positive about this." Namjoon

"Anyway she's been warned what will happen to her if she steps out of line again." Jungkook

He butted it, a massive grin upon his face as he looked around the room to everyone.

"But we've warned her many times before. Whats the difference this time round?" Jimin

I was curious about this too but remained silent, watching and listening to them all talk about this but the angry expression on Jungkooks face and his fist balling up in the table made me think to myself that I better not but in just yet.

"Because next time I'll fucking kill her." Jungkook

Yoongi snorted, crossing his arms over his chest and grins towards Jungkook with some sort of pride.

"Ha! You almost did." Yoongi

Taehyung cheered, then raised his hand to high five Jungkook from across the table.

"Nice jungkookie." Taehyung

Jin scoffed and slapped Taehyung across the chest but Taehyung shrugged at him and winked towards myself randomly. I blushed and looked away, slightly turning away from him and more to Hosoek who was sitting on my other side sipping on his beverage casually.

"Anyway I don't think Sun-hee will be a problem from now on is what I'm saying. We dealt with it and we're moving on but if she says or does something out of line y/n please tell us." Namjoon

I nodded and reached for my glass of wine to sip calmly and express a small smile on my face towards him.

"Hey y/n I have a question for you." Jin

A Dragons Heart (BTS Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon