Part 8

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Owen POV

It was silent as I sat alone in Dr. Robert's office. I needed to have a personal discussion with him concerning our previous mission that left us blinded. The discussion was best if it was one-on-one than having all nine of us speak at once. My family had agreed to let me speak with my old mentor, and I was honestly glad that they let me do this.

The door creaked open, and a person stepped in. I ran my hands down my pajama pants. "Dr. Roberts?"

"Uh, no," a small voice spoke, and I instantly knew that it was the girl who my brothers were interested in.

I turned my head towards Wren. "Ms. Wren, how are you?"

"Good. You?" She sounded awkward as if she wasn't as ease around me. I wanted to frown, not liking that she wasn't as happy or comfortable with me.

"I'm doing well." There was a brief silence before I decided to speak. "Are you looking for Dr. Roberts?"

Wren chuckled. "Yes, I am, but it looks like that he's late. Again."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Again?"

Before she spoke, I waved a hand towards the direction I knew an empty seat was next to me. "Please, sit."

I heard her walk towards me and sit softly onto her chair. She fidgeted, her hands rustling against her clothes. "Thank you, Mr. Blackbourne. I know that you've asked Dr. Roberts to find out who I am. You've probably wanted to set a trap to capture me and have me tell you my secrets."

I sucked in a breath. Who is she? How could she see straight right through me? No, she didn't see straight through me, but she saw me and understood me. Only a few people have that ability to dissect my thoughts without knowing me for long.

She laughed, making my heart beat quickly. The soft touch of her skin against my hand made me flinch, and I realized that she was trying to undo my fist. Relaxing my hand, I let her uncurl my hand. My breath caught as her fingers fluttered over the nail marks I had caused when I fisted my hand. "Sorry."

My breath escaped at her apology. "There's nothing to apologize, Ms. Wren."

Her hand didn't leave mine. Her thumb massaged the back of my hand with comforting circles. "I tend to run my mouth before I think. My family says that I have an uncanny ability to look at people and read them. It can scare some people."

I tightened my grip on her hand briefly before letting my hold go limp. "It's an amazing ability. I just am surprised that someone who barely knows me can read me so easily. It took Sean at least a few months to learn how to read my expressions." I chuckled, remembering that time when we first met. "I didn't have many expressions at that time."

She laughed with me. "I doubt that. So back to Dr. Roberts. Neither I nor can anyone who knows me give you my identity. It's an Academy thing, and that's all I can tell you. I know that you don't know me and don't trust me, but know that I don't intend to harm you or your family."

I felt a smile break onto my face. It was slightly bigger than my so-called "millimeter" smile. It wasn't a full smile but I felt relieved and intrigued by this woman in front of me. "Thank you, Ms. Wren. I know that you may have your own reasons, but thank you for trying to relieve my thoughts."

"You're welcome, Mr. Blackbourne."

I nodded. "How long have you been in the Academy?"

She was quiet. "For over 9 years. I entered when I was eight."

I raised my eyebrows at her answer. "You're almost eighteen, I presume?"

"Yes," Wren giggled. "How old are you and your family?"

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