8) already going insane ?

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Narrators Pov.

Renesme was walking around the backyard for half an hour. The girl was deep in thoughts, explaining the current situation

"Ren?" Anna asked once again

"What's happening?" Keri asked

"I'm not sure, she's been going around the pool for a while now" Anna shrugged "so I decided to talk to her, but she doesn't hear me?"

"Are you going to go up then?" Keri asks

"No, whatever is going through her head" Anna pauses "it looks serious"

The two were looking at Esme, who is still continuing to go around the pool. They watch as she finally sits down and dips her feet in. She looks up and notices the two, she smiles and waves as if everything was normal, but is it?

Ren pats the space next to her then waves Anna over with the same hand. While her right hand is blocking the view of the sun so she can see them.

Anna comes over confused and interested as to what was going on in her mind. "Hey" she says sitting down next to her temporary roommate.

"Hi" Ren replies back splashing her feet in the water and giggling a bit

"How you doing?" Anna asks

"You know, stuck in the house with people I barely know but I for some reason want to make a good impression on top of that I have nothing to do and I think I'm already going insane and that's not even the half of it" Ren rambles

"I get it, it's hard but I hope you know that you've made an excellent impression" Anna reassures

"Really? How so?"

"Well for one, you were respectful during dinner and two you helped a birthday party to someone you didn't know"

Esme laughs a little "that was forced with reason" she simply says


"I obviously had to be respectful during dinner because I didn't want to sleep on the streets two months later" Ren says "and two I didn't want to disappoint, it was the least I could do" Ren shrugs

"Okay, then three we had a fun pool day recently and four you were hanging out with two out of three of my siblings without me telling you to" Anna says proudly with two great reasons.

"Mhm" Ren smiles "you're right"

"Yay!" Anna cheers "mind telling me what else is on your mind?"

"If your sure" Ren says and Anna simply nods letting the girl continue "I guess there was a video of Sam with a girl going around and now twitter is flooded with questions about him" Ren laughs in a scoff "like, I'm in a different country. I don't know if they're dating nor should it matter to me at least for now. So it definitely won't matter to you! Or them I mean" Ren rolls her eyes "should I say something about it?"

"Ummm, if it bugs you a lot and by the looks of it, it does then I would" Anna replies "but I understand because that happens to me with my brothers mainly Daniel, you know because of his career"

"Yeah, I love my brothers and I'm okay with talking about them with fans but when it's all the time, it actually gets annoying" Esme laughs "I usually only have to talk about Sam though"

The two slowly move their feet in the water "what the hell am I going to do?" Esme mumbles earning a laugh from Anna "literally nothing! There's not a damn thing to do"

"We could play a board game? Or something with the whole family?" Anna asks calmly

"Well fuck, I'm resulting to board games!? With some random ass people?" Ren huffs a bit "what has my life come to" she laughs

"Hey, we're not random" Anna defends but yet so calmly.

"Mhm what has it been? A week? A fucking week?! Only a week?!?" Ren pauses "I'm not going to survive this"

Anna laughs "you make it seem like we're going to be hell"

"You won't, but something will"

Once again Anna laughs but this time she stands up holding out her hand for Ren. She smiles and takes it after being confused. Anna leads her into her bedroom, somewhere quiet.

"I'm going to help relieve some stress from you" Anna explains and brings out some self care items

"Stress? Me? No way! I never heard of that bitc-" Ren starts

"Ah, ah, ah" Anna stops her easily "I haven't known you for too long, but I already know you swear a lot when you're stressed" Anna laughs

"The days don't seem long, but the hours? Don't even get me started!" Ren laughs "I've learned so much"

"The days don't seem long, but the hours? Don't even get me started!" Ren laughs "I've learned so much"

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