15) interrogation

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Narrators Pov.

"Where were you guys the day of April 11th-" Ren gets cut off

"It's the 10th" Anna corrects

"Of April 10th and approximately 11 in the morning" Ren continues

"It's 2pm but go off" Anna laughs

"See I'm all messed up because I went to sleep late" Ren explains

"That's why you're messed up?" Christian says

"When I find my phone and your parentals aren't watching, you're dead." Ren glares but each of them know she's joking, at least that's what they hope.

"Keri, you're first" Ren continues her investigation.

"I was seated on this couch, talking with my kids" she explains

"And did this talking include the topic of a phone?" Ren questions

"No" she smiles

"These kids of yours, any of them acting suspicious?" Ren asks

"No" she defends once again

"Mhm, interesting" Ren states and giggles are heard around "Tyler, where you you the day of the disappearance?" Ren turns to Tyler

"I was on this very couch" Tyler says

"What were you doing on said couch?" Ren interrogates

"I was on my phone" he explains

"This phone of yours, is it actually yours?" Ren asks

"Yes, it was"

"You're right, that was a a dumb question um" Ren gets out of the small character she was doing "do you have the hold of any other cellular devices?" And back in character

"No, I do not" he states

"Okay" Ren nods

"Ren" Anna speaks

"Excuse me, I'm in the middle of an interrogation"

"Okay, okay, and that's why I'm letting you continue because it's actually entertaining" Anna laughs

"Alright" Ren smiles "Daniel, where were you on the night I mean day of the disappearance" Ren asks and Daniel tries to stop himself from laughing "do you think this is funny? A cellular device is missing! This is no laughing matter!" Ren tries to hide her smile "anyways" she coughs distracting herself "I swear I don't have corona" she gets out of character with wide eyes and the room bursts out into laughter.

"This has to be the best day of quarantine so far" Jeff says

"I agree" Anna laughs

"okay back to the interrogation" Ren calms them down

"I was on this couch next to Tyler" Daniel says

"Alright, Tyler can you confirm?"

"Yes I can" he adds

"Has there been any added phones into your pocket?" Ren interrogates

"No, there hasn't" he defends

"Alright, Christian. Where were you the day of the disappearance?"

"I was on this couch with my family" he defends seriously also in character

"Okay, have you seen anything unusual?" Ren asks

"No" he states

"When was the last time you saw this cellular device" Ren asks

"Yesterday" he states

"Alright, Jeff
Where were you the day of the disappearance of the cellular device?"

"I was on the couch also talking with my family"

"Can anyone confirm" Ren asks looking around the room and receives nods "weird because Keri says she was talking to her kids, in no mention did she mention a Jeff" Ren speaks "I'm going to ask one time, do you have to do anything with the disappearance of the cellular device?"

"No, I do not" Jeff states

"Alright, it's Christian" Ren gets out of character and speaks nonchalantly

The 6 of them were shocked on how Ren figured it out. From the same silly questions.

"How'd you know?"

"It's easy, I'm just assuming Christian didn't look when it was placed in his hoodie pocket by Daniel" Ren pauses "but still knows he had the phone"

"Okay, wow. How'd you know that?"

"Well Christian said he didn't see my phone since yesterday. I assumed Daniel because he was closer. Although Tyler and Daniel answered very similar to my questions. I knew they didn't have it because you can't lie." Ren shrugs and at this point she is slowly following Christian around the couch as he tries to get away.

Still surprised from Ren getting it spot on. They stop asking questions when she runs to Christian to retrieve her phone. While he successfully weaves through the house.

"Daniel, get her!" Anna says from one side of the room. At that very moment Daniel wrapped his arms around the girls waist pulling her back so Anna can easily talk to the girl.

"Ren, just a few more hours with no phone, okay?" Anna assures but when she got no response she spoke again "didn't you see how much fun we had and how funny your little interrogation was?"

"I guess" Ren shrugs and relaxed not trying to go after Christian anymore "it was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, now let's go back and you can joke around some more" Anna says, holding out her hand which Ren quickly takes and the three go back to join the other group of 3. Christian eventually came cautiously towards Esme and the family. Reneseme was glad to have continued her jokes, actually have a great rest of the night with no phone and bonding time.

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