19) it's never over

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Narrators Pov.

With Ren sound asleep. Daniel took his chance to fill red solo cups with water and carefully place them around her bed. The outer ones not actually having any liquid on them.

Her laptop, duck taped. Her phone, duck taped. Her door, duck taped. At first makes no sense because its pull
Then you realize she can't leave her room. Without tackling it, which is also hard to manage with all the cups in the way. A classic prank with an interesting twist, making it fun.

Definitely something up to Ren's standards of a great prank.

As Ren slowly stirs awake. Daniel is patiently waiting on the outside to listen to her reaction.

"What. The. Fuck." Was heard very faintly but still managed to make Daniel chuckle.

Ren mentally measured how far the open space was to her bed. "I can make that jump" she mumbles. It's about a 6 feet jump and she's actually considering it because the cups are smartly placed really close together.

A thud is heard and which very much concerned Daniel. "Ow" Ren groans causing Daniel to once again chuckle.

Ren swings open the door happily because of the lame prank she easily got through. Although it wasn't visible, her happy smile turned into a frown. "Ah. Shit."

"This boring for you?" Daniel smirks

"Wipe the smirk off your face, I can get through" Ren huffs but surprises Daniel. How did she already know the face he was making? "Ah. Shit." She repeats

"You forgot didn't you?" Daniel chuckles

"Yeah" she sighs "I'm going to admit" she pauses leaving Daniel with curiosity "this is actually good" then she quickly covers "only because it's a combo" she speaks quickly. Not wanting to give him too much credit.

"Told ya" he cheers "and good luck!"

Ren huffs not wanting to ask for help. She turns around picking up a few of the cups and dumping some in her bathroom sink.

Eventually getting enough room to full on sprint and break through the second time. There probably was an easier way. There definitely was an easier way. She does have to clean up anyway.

An hour later. She finally got rid of all the cups and placed them into the kitchen. She got the duck tape off of the door.

"Are you serious?" Ren huffs just taking noticed in her laptop and phone covered in duck tape. "Dang, he actually deserves that credit"

Ren struggles to take of the duck tape but eventually succeeds. Grabbing a wipe to clean it because it was slightly sticky on both electronics. Murmuring under her breath "this isn't over", "I'm gonna get him back", "he's definitely going to regret this", "dang he actually got me"

Throughout the day Ren has kept an eye out for Daniel. Not really caring about Christian anymore. Christian unofficially self dropped out especially after he heard what Daniel did to Esme.

It was almost midnight and she finally figured out what to do. In sweatpants and a tank top she tip toes downstairs opening the fridge and silently praising herself before deciding to get a glass of water for herself.

"Dumping water on my head when I'm sleeping?" Daniel speaks startling Ren a bit "boring" he mocks

Ren smiles "no, and I thought you would be asleep"

"Or hoping? What were you going to do? Or do you not have anything?" He mocks playfully yet again.

"not really, not saying, I always do" she says answering each question in order.

"Then why has it taken you so long?" He smirks

"You're really asking for it, huh?" Ren smiles washing her cup.

Daniel fake yawns "wow, I'm suddenly tired. Do I need to sleep? No, the pranks are just boring" he teases and mocks. Ren let's out a playful huff before showing a small smile and stepping forward closer to Daniel. "tell me when you figure it out" he whispers "when you figure out an actual good prank" and teases

"an actual good prank" Ren mumbles stepping another foot closer to Daniel with each word. She brings up her hands pulling her hair back behind her shoulders then laying them on his. "just you wait buddy, just you wait" she whispers, and smiles. Then walking away back up to her room leaving Daniel dazed ?

- A/N -

Made myself a mental goal because I basically have this book finished. The goal is about a sequel of a certain book. hehe. If it hits a certain amount of reads before I start a new book then I will post the intro to the sequel. hehe. I exposed myself, I already have an intro. but I also have a book in the works, which may include a very special someone 💙

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