17) and I'm in the house bored

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Reneseme's Pov.

It's a cloudy day in La, I look up at the gloomy sky covered with clouds. I'm on a cement ground with my legs tucked, sitting down.

It's been officially two weeks in quarantine and I'm losing my mind. I'm bored out of my mind. I don't know how other people can handle it. I just want to go back home.

Home where I can do pranks, hang out with my family, just be myself.

Think about being put in a room with your friends friends family. That's exactly how I feel. If you can imagine it would've been awkward but i apparently don't have a filter so it wasn't.

Two weeks have passed and I feel like I'm with my friends family. Which is hell of a lot better. I would actually consider that the truth. Although it's been two weeks, could be a short time or a long time. Anna is now one of my good friends.

I would say I'm surprised she stuck around, but she literally doesn't have a choice.

"What you thinking about?" Anna says sitting down next to me

"home, two weeks, quarantine, you" I simply say

"What about me?" She asks tilting her head

"How much you had to put up with me" I pause "I'm sorry" I mumble. For a second I thought she didn't hear me but she then pulled me into a side hug.

"Ren, you have made these two weeks amazing. Trust me when I say this, it's not just me" Anna comforts, rubbing my back.

"I'm glad you've enjoyed it"

"How about you?"

"We've already been over this" I groan "it's a stupid situation but you make the best out of it" I say plainly

"the last few days, you've been off. Is there something wrong?"

"There's many things wrong, but none that I'm trying to let it get to me. I'm gonna go live" I sigh

"Ooo, can I come?"

"Of course!" I smile and we run upstairs where my phone was charging. I go to twitter to announce

 I go to twitter to announce

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I wait a few minutes to then start the live

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I wait a few minutes to then start the live. "Heyy" I smile into the camera reading a few comments. "I'm going to wait to explain why I've been M.I.A. so I don't have to repeat myself"

"Until then, this is Anna" I smile gesturing her

"Hi, I'm Anna Seavey and I've stolen Ren from you" she teases

"Okay I think it's good" I pause "I haven't been on social media because it has been quite chaotic for me. I want to explain my story so some of you guys don't attack me" I laugh "I'm stuck in la as many of you guys know. Airports are closed meaning I can't go back to Canada. Anna was kind enough to let me use a spare room she had" I smile

"Yes, and Ren doesn't deserve any of the hate she's getting. This situation is stressful enough as it is"

"For the both of us" I pause "but it's also been so fun. Like the other day I did an interrogation to her family because I wanted my phone" I laugh

"Yeah, I was going to stop her but it was actually hilarious and plus she was bonding with everyone" she

I read a few comments.

"Only you Esme" I smile

"Did you get you're phone back" I read "yeah I did"

"Must've been funny" I nod my head

"Missed you so much"

"Love you"

"I missed your tweets"

"Are you still taking pictures"

"We missed you"

"Awe, I missed you guys too" I reply to some of the many comments "no I'm not taking pictures. If you count the ones I take with Anna then yes" I smile

"What do you think of Anna's family?" Anna reads and smirks

I laugh before starting "they're all really sweet and very welcoming" I smile

"Give a trait to each family member" Anna reads

"You just want me to hype you guys up" I laugh "okay, Anna is very sweet and we have a lot in common"

"That wasn't a trait, and sweet doesn't count" Anna speaks

"Okay fine, Anna is thoughtful" I smile

"Thank you" she smiles

"You're welcome"

"Okay now my mom" she says "and don't say welcoming"

"The fact I was actually thinking that" I laugh "um, motherly?" I ask and she shakes her head in disapproval "okay a better one then, responsive. She always knows what to do and what to say" I smile "for your dad I like his comments and jokes, so funny"

"How about Christian then?"

"I like his humor"

"Of course you do! It's literally the same as yours, except you just straight up say it" she laughs

"Yeah, so whatever trait that falls under"

"Okay Tyler and Daniel"

"Um, Tyler is really chill and Daniel is childish, both in a good way"

"Will daniel be here?"

"Will anyone else show up?"

"Tell Christian to come here"

"What have you been doing?"

"Where's Daniel"

"New hobbies?"

"Stop asking about Daniel"

"Anna and I started drawing yesterday" I speak

"Oh! I'll get them" Anna replies

Anna runs off camera and she soon comes back with decent drawings. Anna didn't show all of hers because some were sketches of possible new merch for seaveystyle.

We spent a long and good time on live. A few unrelated comments but it somewhat died down.

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