13) power out

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Reneseme's Pov.


I guess I could go to sleep, but I was in such a flow of editing these photos.

Do I wait until the morning? I can fix the power outage now, it's just downstairs.

With that being said, I roll out of bed getting a chill breeze. I grab my phone putting on the flashlight and I tip toe downstairs. Careful not to wake anyone up. I walk over and open the thin metal door. "Oh gosh" I mumble looking at all the different switches.

"Can I help you?"

"Fuck!" I scream, and quickly cover my mouth "shit, you scared me" I speak quieter and go back to the switches "the power went out, and I need the wifi" I smile, tilting my head "fix it, will you?"

"What are you doing up?" Daniel asks

"I could ask the same thing" I smirk crossing my arms

"I was working on music, your turn" he smiles

"Photos" I simply say, grabbing his wrist and moving it to the power while he chuckles

"You really want the power on, don't you?"

"Yes, and I don't know how to do it so that's why you're here" I smile

"Meh" he speaks going to the fridge "water?"

"Sure- I mean fix the wifi"

He tosses me a water bottle and because it's dark and I was barely paying attention. It hit me right in the face.

"Oh shoot I'm so sorry" Daniel apologizes quickly coming to me.

"yeah sure you are, I don't even want the water anymore" I ramble moving to the switch and flicking one left then right. "Did that do anything?"

"Stop, you're gonna break it" Daniel says closing the small door

"But, I want to edit some photos" I say reaching to open it once again but Daniel stops me

"Why don't you just sleep? And do your photos in the morning?"

"Wow, what did I do?"

"What? What do you mean?" He asks

"Your attitude" I simply say walking off

"Wait" he speaks

"For what?" I say a bit annoyed "I literally just wanted the wifi on"

"This is why I don't try talking to you" he says, doing an obvious gesture

"Sorry? I don't fucking know. You have no idea what I'm going through" I defend, and stress about the situation

"What you're going through? Do you know how it feels to have a random person start living with you?" he asks a little harsh, I can tell he regretted it. He obviously doesn't seem like the type of person to snap back. "I'm sorry, I actually have no clue what you're going through" he apologizes

"Would have been good if you didn't apologize" I smirk "and yeah, guess both of us don't know what the other is going through" I shrug "it's a lot more than it seems"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Definitely not with you" I speak "sorry, it's just that it's kinda about you and usually I only talk to my problems with one person, Nate. For now Anna has also been there, which is really nice of her"

"About me?" He questions

"Well more about your fans literally attacking me because I'm simply quarantining with you?" I confess

"Oh, yeah they can be uh protective" he dryly chuckles

"Guess you can call it that" I shrug "how about you? Hate me yet?"

"I don't hate you, at all actually" he pauses "you're just a completely new um, energy I would say" he laughs "but you're also very similar with Anna and Christian"

During this time we somehow moved to the couch and vented some more.

"Well, as much as this situation sucks and I would say I'm family oriented so I miss them so much. I know it could be worse and I'm glad I'm stuck with such wonderful people" I smile "like seriously, what if I never tweeted my situation and Anna would have never said anything. Or what if we didn't actually exchange Twitter's and it would have just been purely Instagram.

"Wow, what if this actually didn't happen" he laughs "you and Anna wouldn't realize how much you have in common"

"Yeah, we still need to plan what's happening after corona. You know, because I live in Canada and I'm going to want to see Anna often and vice versa" I smile

"Watch you steal my sister" he laughs

"I just might actually"

"Do you usually stay up this late?" He asks checking the time

"Yeah, I would fall asleep before 2am though"

"Wait, do you know what time it is?" He laughs

"Well I thought it was a little after 2am, but because you asked it might be a little later"

"It's 4:28am" he says showing me his phone

"No way" I laugh, grabbing my phone and once again checking the time in disbelief "oh my gosh"

"It didn't feel that long" he laughs and yawns

"Yeah, it seriously only felt like an hour" I agree, yawning as well "you made me yawn" I push his shoulder playfully

"Now that we know the time, I think we're getting tired"

"Yeah, we should probably sleep" I say getting up from the couch

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea"

So then the two of us go back upstairs, dividing when he goes into his room then I go into mine. I fell asleep pretty quickly and without a doubt I'm going to sleep past noon.

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