16) bored in the house

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Narrators Pov.

Reneseme was seated on the couch upside down. Scrolling through her feed on instagram. Anna was next to her seated normally and scrolling through Twitter.

"Is twitter still bad for you?"

"I guess no, only because I went M.i.a." I laugh "I should probably go on for bit. Tell everyone I'm okay"

"Are you okay?" Anna asks


"So, what do you wanna do?" Anna asks

"Not sure, I'm bored" Ren sits up next to Anna.

"Me too" Anna sighs "let's walk around" she pauses "the house"

"Yay. My favorite." Ren sarcastically cheers

"C'mon" Anna stands up pulling on the hand of Ren's

The two walk around for an hour. Simply speaking what's on their mind. How bored they are and how they just want things to go back to normal. Or as normal as it could be. That's it and that's all.

They stopped at the lounge chairs by the pool. Wanting to at least sunbathe, not necessarily a tan well because they are fully clothed in summer clothes.

"It hasn't even been two weeks" Ren sighs "but it feels like months" she groans "technically it is, I've been in la for 4 months, great. Supposed to be a quick trip"

Anna just hums and let's Ren continue

"Why didn't I just cancel and stress over sending peoples money back?" She sighs "ah fuck" she laughs "should've just down that"

There was a long moment of silence before Ren speaks again, but with a different attitude.

"No, this isn't bad" she speaks "I actually had fun yesterday" she smiles "I'm just bored" she finally finishes "just bored" or not

Another hour later.

"Ren, don't you there!" Anna lectures

"Why'd you come out then?" Ren speaks from within the pool.

"I just wanted to talk" she smiles

"Right, what about?"

"Have you been getting any sleep?"

"Sure, a few hours" she shrugs and gets into the donut floatie.

"How many?"

"I don't know, 7?" She tries her best to not smile

"I know you're lying" Anna tosses a beach ball at her which she gracefully blocks.

"Promise you won't be mad?" Ren asks as Anna nods her head "3-4 hours" she mumbles but still loud enough for Anna to hear.

"What? Ren! You nee-" Anna starts

"You said you wouldn't be mad" Ren pouts

"I didn't say anything, but I did agree" Anna pauses "Ren you need more sleep than that"

"Other people get less sleep than I do" Ren defends in a pout

"Whatever, what do you even do up?"

"Well, I edit some photos or I talk to Kobe oh and Daniel one time"

"Wow, you talking to one of my family members? Without me here?" Anna asks surprised

"Yuppity yup yup yup" Ren chirps proudly

"Good job" she smiles "dinner is going to be ready in two hours"

Ren gets out of the pool revealing a smirk "Anna" she smiles walking over and Anna backs up "can I get a hug?"

"When you're dry" Anna laughs running away, as Ren chases her and eventually gets her in a tight hug "Ren, seriously?"

"Yes serious, or it could be a playful hug" Ren shrugs, grabbing a towel from the lounge chair. Drying herself off to not leave a water trail. She goes inside getting ready for a shower. While Anna laughs at the girl and goes inside changing into her pajamas because her clothes were damp.

Anna came out first and went a few steps into Ren's room to patiently wait for her.

"Ah! You scared me" Ren speaks with a towel wrapped around her "what if I didn't have a towel on?"

"That would be your fault?" Anna says confused to why she would actually come out fully naked.

Ren smirks and drops her towel to reveal herself in a sports bra and shorts.

"I knew it" Anna laughs

"Sure, what do you wanna do?" Ren asks as she jumps to lay down on her bed.

"No clue, we went outside, we played board games" Anna says

"We bonded the other day, and the day before that" Ren laughs

"Pick up a new hobby?" Anna asks

"Nah, too much effort" Ren laughs

"Pick up an old hobby?"

"Bingo" Ren smiles

"Like there's a difference, but go on" Anna smiles

"We can draw?"

Anna nods her head, leaving the room while Ren patiently sits on her bed. Anna soon comes back with a few pieces of paper, colored pencils, and regular pencils

"Okay, let's see how this goes"

"Yeah, I'm warning you. I'm not good"

- A/N -

this chapter sucks. anyways, I think I know when this will end. I think I know how it will end. I think I know you'll be disappointed by the ending. It's not the traditional imagine, I guess you can say. so sorry.

"Mask" // D.S.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ