22) my presentation

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Narrators Pov.

"Therefore, when quarantines over. Anna is legally mine" Ren smiles

"That's so off topic" Anna laughs

"You can't just take our sister" Tyler speaks

"Watch me" Ren challenges

"So you're telling me you're going to leave me with all these boys, I need my baby girl" Keri says

Ren thinks for a bit before continuing her presentation "okay, how about I have her for a week and then you can for the other" Ren suggests

"Too much money to fly Anna there and back" Jeff laughs following Ren's idea.

"Okay, how about a month?" Ren suggests

"You really think Anna can settle nicely, if she's moving month after month?" Christian debates

"Fine, what's your idea?"

"She can visit once a year" Jeff suggests

"Twice a year" Keri corrects after watching Ren's reaction.

"Deal" Ren smiles shaking out her hand "you never said how long!" Ren laughs and takes her hand back after completing it with a shake.

"We also never said how short" Tyler speaks.

"Fine, you can keep her" Ren sighs

"Don't worry Ren, she's here now" Daniel comforts

Ren gasps making everyone pay even more attention for her next move "hi Anna!" She waves

"Hi Ren!" Anna laughs

"Can I have a hug?" Ren speaks quietly

"Awe, of course!" Anna says standing up

"from everyone" Ren mumbles

"Group hug!" Anna speaks being the first to hug Anna. Followed after; Christian, Keri, Tyler, Daniel, Jeff.

"Tyler, can I get my laptop back?" Ren pleads

Tyler chuckles before going off to his room and coming back with Ren's laptop. Which she gladly takes and runs off to her room. She places her laptop on her bed, before smiling and going back downstairs.

"I thought you were gonna stay in your room?" Christian asks

"You guys are fun to hang around with" Ren smiles

"Awe she's going soft" Anna coos

"What, hell no" Ren clears her throat, tightening her lips to not smile.

"Yes you are" Anna teases

"Yeah, even I can tell" Daniel says

"It's because I'm surrounded by a bunch of softies" Ren crosses her arms in a fit.

"But you love it" Anna says

Ren simply huffs before laughing and looking at the ground to cover up. She goes to the couch and soon the rest of the household follow. Spending many hours bonding during quarantine.

"I'm glad Ren is here during quarantine" Anna smiles

"me too" Keri agreed

Before anyone else agreed, Ren decided to speak.

"I'm glad these dogs are here" Ren smiles, giving them both a pet "what would I do without you guys?"

"So, was that to the dogs or us?" Jeff asks

"I think both" Tyler replies

"Yup" Renesme agrees showing the family a smile "I'm very grateful you guys offered me a place to stay"

"Well, technically Anna did but you're welcome!" Christian cheers

"Still" Renesme looks up at them again "someone could have declined or told me to get out of here" she shrugs "but no, you guys are sweethearts, all of you. You basically let a random stranger into your home" she laughs "that's how you get robbed but anyways!" and laughs once again "it actually means a lot"

"She is getting soft!" Christian teases and the rest of the family smile and nod. Even Renesme.

"She even agrees" Tyler says "at this point, we'll definitely have a great quarantine"

"At this point, we're definitely going to visit Ren in Canada" Anna corrects

"At this point, we might have to convince Renesme to move to LA" Christian speaks

"At this point, we might be going insane because of us saying 'at this point' so much" Daniel says

"I agree" Renesme speaks "oh sorry" she pauses "at this point, I agree" and lightly laughs.

The household doesn't know how long they'll be in quarantine. They just know they will definitely make the best of it.

From the stress of Ren being stuck in LA with potentially no one. She has now discovered her new best friend. She's picked up a new hobby and will continue that. She's focused more on herself and editing photos. She has declared herself as the prank champion. Got herself banned from cooking or baking in the kitchen. She's definitely going to make an impulsive decision and get herself a dog. Whether it being in quarantine with the Seavey family or in Canada at home.

Either way quarantine has definitely took a change for the worse then better in the Seavey household of "Mask"

- A/N -

As much as this situation sucks. As much as this situation has changed our lives. They're goods to this. Many people have tried new hobbies, and if you haven't already. I would suggest doing it now while you have more time than ever! Focus on yourself! Either if it's taking a break off social media. Trying new things and rewarding yourself. Right now is a great time to improve ourselves.

Places are definitely opening back up again, at least where I am. So please wear a "Mask" for your safety, and for the people around you.

Umm!? Thank you so much! I can't believe this book got to #1 on the danielseavey tag! I kinda think it's a glitch because I don't know how the ranking works. Also! Thank you so much for 1.9k reads! Like seriously, woah. Thank you so much for 800 reads on Road Trip! Sequel soon for that, I promise.

I understand this isn't the traditional or best ending. But I think it represents a bit on what's going on irl. Please stay safe out there.

We'll make it through together.
Be kind to one another.
Let's work as a community.
Let's spread positivity.

Go tell someone to have an amazing day!
Go have an amazing day yourself!

I wish for you, yeah you, the person reading this. To have an amazing and blessed day! To stay safe and strong!

because right now, we need it more than ever.

"Mask" // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now