18) the pranks have begun

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Narrators Pov.

"REN, HURRY!" Christian yells from downstairs.

Ren does exactly that. She gets up quickly from her bed and gets stopped at the door by plastic wrap. A classic prank.

She hears laughing to her left and she immediately turns demanding the person responsible. As soon as she figured it out she runs downstairs throwing away the plastic wrap.

"You're dead!" Ren says taking a full sprint to try and tackle Christian. She was so close when she caught the view of Keri and Jeff peacefully talking on the couch.

"I'll get you back" she huffs and turns around.

"sure you will" he laughs, relaxing himself on the couch.

"sure you will" he laughs, relaxing himself on the couch

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Ren being a natural at having so much practice with Sam. Without any thought and effort. She managed to lock Christians bathroom door and when he opens it a bottle of water should be dumped on him.

It was going to be a metal bucket but Anna pointed out that the prank wouldn't be good if he got knocked unconscious. Although Ren definitely debated about it eventually she was convinced to change it to a water bottle.

So she simply waited in Anna's room which was next over to Christians waiting for a specific yell.


"there it is" she laughs

"Are you serious?" Christian comes into Anna's room "you're frie-" he pauses taking notice at Ren "you!"

"Ah! Anna!" She squeals jumping on the bed and going behind Anna "hey be grateful it wasn't a bucket"

"Fine, but I'm definitely getting you back"

"Don't bother! I grew up with a hobby of pranking!" Ren laughs and yells as Christian walks out of the room.

"Are you scared?" Anna smiles

"What? No way! Depending on what he does depends on what I do" she smiles "I know I'll just one up him and get him worse"

- A Day Later -

"Have you given up?" Ren smirks at Christian, who just walked outside.

"Funny that you say that" Christian laughs

"Sorry" Daniel says and pushes Ren into the pool.

"Ho, so cold" Ren breathes out getting out of the pool and pulling her hair back. To only then get pounded with flour. "You. Are. So. Dead." Ren warns.

She wipes he eyes to clearly see the victims. "All of you" she points to Christian who is laughing, Tyler who is smiling but holding his hands up in surrender, then she turns around to see Daniel with a guilty face on.

"Here" Anna says handing her a towel.

Ren tries her best to wipe herself off to not track so much inside. She gets handed another towel by Daniel who apologizes again but only gets a glare in return.

"They're so dead" Ren mumbles getting a giggle from Anna.

"Promise me you won't endanger them?"

"I won't kill them" she simply says "I can't promise the endangering though" she stands up from getting mostly cleaned up "I need to shower" she sighs.

Ren takes a quick shower already planning her next attack. While Anna went to go warn Christian and to tell Tyler and Daniel to keep their eyes open, just in case.

"Um, are you seeing this?" Tyler asks showing Daniel his tagged photos.

"Woah, where did they find that?" He asks about a very young photo of Tyler.

"Ren! Technically you didn't even do this prank! Asking people to tag me in an embarrassing photo doesn't count!" Christian yells very audible for everyone in the house. "Oh God in heaven" he says and runs to Ren's room.

She is simply drying her hair with a towel from the shower she just took. "Did it work? I haven't checked yet?" She smirks

"Yes, but how did you print so many photos of me AND stick them all over my room?" Christian asks absolutely shocked.

Ren shrugs "talent?" then smiles "practice" and smirks "I win"

Before Christian could say anything Tyler and Daniel come into the room.

"You win, I'm not being a part of this" Tyler says holding his tagged photos out and Ren laughs proudly that it actually worked.

"I had faith, and I told you" Ren speaks to all of them then Christian before repeating "I win" she smiles and flips her hair back.

"Tyler might not be a part of this but I will" Daniel says

"You sure?" Ren asks and he nods

"You'll be surprised" Christian says "even I'm scared of Daniel" he laughs "and he's my brother"

"Cool, thanks for the heads up I guess" Ren smiles tossing the damp towel in the bathroom basket and walks out of her room. Making it completely available for the boys inside. "It's going to be really sad if they try something boring in there" she sighs

"No, trust me. I won't be boring" Daniel says and walks past Ren downstairs. Which took Ren slightly by surprise and a smirk appears.

"Mhm, this might actually be good" she smiles

"Mhm, this might actually be good" she smiles

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