Bonds to be severed

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"What do you want Orochimaru" Sasuke asked without moving from his position.
"My dear Sassssuke, there is a mission you need to complete for me, and I'm sure you won't refuse."  Orochimaru hissed to the Uchiha that now faced him.
"I'm waiting, speak."
"I know how desperately you need this power, so for that, and for my personal reasons, I need a certain someone's blood. And I doubt you'd resist yourself if I told you who's blood I need. It's none other than your dear friend, Naruto Uzumaki. I thought you didn't get the chance to finish him off last time. So I thought why not give you a rather interesting motive to take this mission on?"
Orochimaru gave an evil smile as he saw the Uchiha's gleaming red eyes open in the dark. The anger reflecting in them.
"I'll leave now. Anything else?" Sasuke asked.
"Oh yes, I want this to be a silent killing. Not a person in the village should know. The leaf's involvement with this mission is the last thing we need."
"I'll make sure to finish him off this time, I'll go now." Sasuke left the room, leaving Orochimaru who sheepishly gave an evil hiss.

Sasuke pov:

It's finally here. The last thing I need to do. I will finish him off before things even get heated. His existence is a bother to me. Every time we're facing each other, he barks out about how we're friends, and how he wants me come back, how he wants me to forget about my revenge, that's the ONLY purpose I live for. To destroy Itachi. My whole life has been about that. Whenever Naruto opens his mouth, all he reminds me of is memories of the bond we had. I don't need him, or anyone to interfere with my life. I'll kill every single person in the way of me and my goal. All I need is one little push.

His existence is last thing I want, it's the last thing the world wants.

I WILL kill him this time. I WILL severe the last remaining bond in my life. I'll kill him gladly.

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