I'll help you.

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Sasuke's pov:

So this is the moment. I'll finish him off here. So he won't be there to remind me of what we are. We aren't best friends. I would even say we have something deeper than the word friendship can display.
I was jealous of him, watching him grow, he was always ahead of me, like my brother. He reminded me of the time when I had a family. He is the only person who has connected to me without realising it. I hated him. I hated him for going this far. I hated how desperate he was to bring me back, I hated how he always had something to argue about that I couldn't answer, I hated how he made soo many bonds with people near him. I was jealous. I couldn't bring myself to be a happy bubble like him. I couldn't be that positive. I couldn't be better than him. But now, I am. And now, he can't say anything, and he can't do anything, I'll destroy his existence before he even tries to do something. And not a single person would notice. A silent kill.

I looked at him, he was looking down at the blade that now touched his neck, his hair covering his eyes. He stayed that way for a while, before looking up to me, staring right into my soul.

I froze at the sight.

Not because he was staring at me, but because of what I witnessed.

Looking at me were two, lifeless eyes.

With no light. They seemed.. dark. No. They were worse than just dark. It was like they didn't even exist. But at the same time, they looked at me without moving an inch more. They stared deep into mine.  Never in my life, had I seen Naruto with those eyes. He felt completely different. Like... he wasn't the person I knew anymore.

"You too, huh?"

My heart beat rose up, what did he mean?
His voice seemed cracked. Not the kind where you cry, the kind where he had forgotten how to speak. He stared into my eyes like he'd given up. Did he give up on me? He's not even going to try to fight?

"At least TRY to fight with whatever you have left of your pathetic will to bring me back." I said, not as loud as last time. But cold enough.

He brought one of his hands towards the blade, i stiffened my hold on the sword. Ready to attack. But instead of the sword, he brought his fingers to the zipper of the jacket he wore, and pulled it down. I was confused, but I kept my sword in place.

He started removing his jacket off his body. And then he removed his fishnet. What was he doing? Is this some trick? I was about to speak before I saw something.

Scars.  A L L  over his upper half. But they weren't scars that came from fighting someone, or even training. They were...
like the scars someone craves into you for torture, his chest was completely will red like scratches, like nails were dug into his skin deeply. My eyes widened and my lips parted from their position to take in a gasp from what I saw. His arms, had deep cuts. All over it. His wrist had soo many cuts that I couldn't even count, new and old, that's not what shocked me.
Blood was dripping from his right arm wrist, like it was freshly cut along his skin over the other cuts, that is when I realised.
He did that to himself.

I couldn't think anything anymore.


was all I was able to let out my throat, which was hardly a voice, it was more like a whisper. I couldn't speak.
I looked back at his eyes, why were they like that? Dull, it was like something inside of him died. I waited for a response. But he didn't give any, he just kept staring at me. The blood from his hands kept dripping on the floor, my heart beat rising with every drop.

His eyes followed down his hand that I was staring at, and back up to my face. He stood there emotionless. Like he was numb. He gave me a weak smile. He forced it. His eyes didn't even flinch.
That smile sent needles piercing through my heart. My heart ached deep inside at the sight. I didn't know what to feel anymore. What was the meaning of this?
Why was he trying to smile at me?

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