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This is like a filler chapter, it's your choice whether to read it or not, doesn't play much part in the storyline but I wrote it for fun, hope you like it lol🍜

Sasuke's pov-

Shit shit shit. What the footyfetishfuck. I can't just be doing these kind of stunts with Naruto, or there will come a point where he'll doubt that I'm going along with it only because I'm interested in him physically. BUT ITS SOO TEMPTING. God. He makes me hard to resist myself to jump him EVERY single time.

This is what I was thinking while he literally draGGed my ass out his door and I followed him to the location. Why the fuck were we hiding under benches of our classroom in the ACADEMY with sakura?

"Dobe, what the heck are we doing here?" I whispered to Naruto who was between me and Sakura. He just looked over at Sakura and they both started giggling. THIS BOY, Is he asking for death?

I glared at the blond who just took out a small box like thingy and handed it to me. I raised my eyebrow and opened it. It's a ring. Well, two rings. WAIT, who the fuck is getting married? Did Naruto just- no he wouldn't do that under a dEsK at least, even if he was doing it although idk why he wou-

"Kakashi sensei." He simply said and my eyes went beyond wide, as if they would literally come off my face.

"WITH?!?!?!" I shouted in a whispering way, trying not to sound too loud. Suddenly Naruto shuts me up by keeping his hand on my mouth and pointing towards the blackboard. I peeped my way up slowly so the person who came in wouldn't notice. It was Kakashi sensei and.. IRUKA SENSEI? H U H?
So my hunch was right. I sigh in happiness.

No one's pov-

"HAHAHAH how can I forget, those stupid kids sure grew up, didn't they? Iruka said laughing to Kakashi.

"Honestly, they wouldn't have survived without us." Kakashi said proudly with an evil tone.

"No Kakashi, you've been there for them more than I have honestly, and it made you a better person along too. You deserve literally all the happiness in this world. That is why I try my best to give it to you by loving you." Iruka said flustered as he held Kakashi's hand who now blushed.

"I know, but it is not enough." Kakashi said dissapointed and Iruka looked at him with wide eyes and then looked down in pain.

"I'm not enough.." Iruka said on the verge of tears.
Kakashi looked at the benches where the three were hiding and nodded.

Suddenly, iruka looked up as he saw his former students come out of the benches with smiling faces as Sasuke handed over something to Kakashi. Irula looked confused and turned to Kakashi.

"I said it's not enough, because this is the only thing that's left to do.
Since you don't have a family, and neither do I, I decided to bring these idiots we both love soo much. They are like a family to me. And I'm sure Naruto's like your son. And now, I want to add one more member to your family.
So Iruka.. *bends down on one knee, while iruka covers his mouth with his hands in surprise* will you make me the happiest man in this world by marrying me?" Kakashi proposes to Iruka who was already crying now.

"YES.. yes Kakashi.. I will...gladly" Iruka said crying in happiness and the three students clapped and squeaked like kids as Kakashi put the ring on his lover's finger. He stood up to kiss Iruka when he saw his students staring at him curiously.

He turned his back towards them pulling Iruka in front on him, and quickly sliding his mask off to give his lover a deep kiss.
Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura signed in defeat once again.

Then a whole lotta kids came out of the other benches screaming "CONGRATULATIONS!!"
Iruka cried some more tears. All his students from Naruto's batch were there.
Everyone whom he taught. Even Konohamaru. Everyone celebrated the proposal with a small round of ramen they ordered from Ichiraku that arrived in time at the classroom. They all laughed and enjoyed while Sasuke out of a moment looked over to the blond beside him. Sitting and laughing with the others with a beautiful smile.

I want to love you forever too, Naruto. I want to see that smile on your face forever. Sasuke thought smiling to himself while staring at the blond.

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