Chapter 02.

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I'm at the school, walking towards my favourite class. Yes, I have a favourite class. Literature. Okay I like it because that's the only class that I can bear attending. Since I have no friends, well people talk with me but they don't like me enough to spend time with me, I usually walk alone.

I actually listen to the lesson, trust me that doesn't happen a lot. After taking down the notes I glance at my watch. The time was close to the bell. Finally, after waiting for a life time, the bell rings. I shove my books in my bag and head towards the door. I'm about to exit the class when my teacher calls my name.

"Miss. Williams, can I talk to you for a moment? "

What did I do? I did the last assignment, didn't I? What did I forget to do? What's gonna happen?

"Sure, sir." I answer. Of course, can I say no and run away from the class? I think not.

"Well, we have a new student in our class. I want you to help her."

A new student? A girl? Really? Why does he want me to help her?

"Yes, I'll help her."

"Thank you Miss.Williams, This is the new student."

A girl enters the classroom. She is tall amd well dressed. I glance at the girl and look back at my teacher. Then I look back at the student. It was that girl.

"Hey, I'm Tiffany," I blink a few times before answering.

"I'm Lexi."

"So Lexi, can you be my friend?"

That is the last thing on earth I would do but I couldn't reject her. Just like that she became my first ever friend.

She's new here, so does that mean her gang of friends go here too? No, No, No. Absolutely not. I'll kill myself if that happens. What will happen if they find out my secret?

Tiffany attends most of my classes so she stayed by me the whole time. She is kind of funny and nice, but that doesn't mean I trust her that much. We walk together to the parking lot.

"I usually take the bus to get home, so I guess I should get going now." I tell her. She thinks for a while before answering.

"Well, can you come to my house? You know to help me with Literature," she asks.

"Yeah, I guess."

She gets in her car, a red one. I get in after her. I really want to know more about her.

"So, you just moved here?" I ask her.

"Yeah, mom and dad wanted me to move here, I'm here with my friends."

She is with her friends.

"So your friends don't go to school?"

"Nope, they all are older than me,"

Thank god!

"Enough about me, what about you?"

"Um- well, I live by myself. I don't have many friends."

"You have me now." She answers.

She slows down, taking a turn. She stops in front of a huge gate. A guard comes and opens the gate, revealing a huge house. A huge house with a huge gate. She parks her car and gets out gesturing me to do the same. I hop out. She walks to the front door. I look around admiring the gardens. They are well kept. No wonder.

She goes inside. I have no words to describe the house. It's beautiful. Wow! She leads the way and I follow her around like a lost puppy. She climbs a set of stairs. Then she stops in front of a white door. Must be her room.

"This is my room, come in."

I take a look.The room is white and gold. A king sized bed, a walk in closet, a flat screen TV and a huge dressing table. Wow! Her dad must be a millionaire.

She gestures me to sit down on her bed. The mattress is really soft. We spend our time reading the notes. I explain them to her. She said she's with her friends but I don't see any. Well, who cares? The time went by but we weren't finished. Then I heard a voice.

"Tiffy, come down, we bought food!"

Tiffany grabs my hand and runs downstairs. I almost break my neck while following her, because of her grip on my wrist. At last we reach downstairs. There, her friends are here. There are James, her brother, Feliex, the cute one with glasses, Melissa, the model girl & the Jake guy, the evil devil. Feliex looked at me and smiles. I smile back blushing. Blushing? What's wrong with me?

Tiffany takes her time introducing them to me but I knew them, already. Then she introduces me.

"Guys, this is Lexi, my new best friend."

"What? What about me?" Feliex speaks up.

"Well, you're older than me, you don't go to school, so Lexi is my new best friend. " Tiffany answered.

When did I become her best friend?

They talk for a while. They seem friendly but dangerous at the same time. I don't get a good vibe from them. They seem like trouble. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not going to fall in the same trap twice.
James and Feliex both are 20, Melissa is 21 and Jake is 19. After talking for a while I excuse myself and go to Tiffany's room. I take a look around, taking a moment appreciate how beautiful the room is. There's a wall covered in posters. I take a close look, most of them features a rider on a black motorbike. Alex Sliver. In other words,me.

"She loves Alex, she adores him so much."

I look over my shoulder. I see Feliex standing behind me. His soft looking brown hair is messed up a little. His green eyes hidden behind his glasses are shining. He is taller than me, of course. His smile is warm and welcoming.

"You know Alex?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I know him, he's talented, the way he rides, he's so cool!"

It is kind of awkward for me to talk about Alex since Alex is technically me. But they all seem to like Alex. But how did they know him? I only did racing here. Who knows? He talks about Alex for a while when a voice interrupts him.

"But he's short." I look at the door to see a pissed looking Jake. Did he just call me short?

"It has nothing to do about his height, Jake. Don't be jealous of him." Feliex responds.

"Jealous? Of him? No way." Jake replies.

"What's wrong with being short?" I talk. Yes, I hate it when people call me short. Yes, I am short but still.

"For an example, look at you." He gestures towards me as if it explains everything.

"What's wrong with me?" I ask. I can just punch him square on his face.

"Leave her alone Jake, stop acting like a child."

Thanks Feliex .
Jake rolls his eyes and turns away.

"Don't mind him, he's such a kid. So Lexi are you free tonight?" Feliex asks.

"Um- I can't be sure, why did you ask?" I inquire.

"Uh-,We're going out for dinner tonight, Alex is also invited. I just thought you'd like to join too."

Oh shit! Tiffany's dinner, The Plaza, How could I possibly forget it? What am I gonna do now? I messed up this time.
This is going to be tough one.

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