Chapter 11.

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I just finished another one of my morning rides. I am feeling better after the ride. After parking my bike and locking the door, I head out of the club.

Today is Friday. I have to attend that stupid party today. I don't like parties. Taking the bus, I head home.


After taking the much needed shower, I start dressing up. I pull my jeans and a large t shirt and put them on. I decide to leave my damp hair open. I stuff my books in my bag.

I walk to the kitchen and start making some eggs for breakfast. I wasn't great at cooking, but I could manage something edible, after years of making my food myself.

After eating the food, I go out, locking the door. Then I head to the bus stop.


I'm currently at my school, in my Literature lesson. I'm taking down my notes when Tiffany, who is seated right beside me, decides to pinch my arm.

I stop my work and look at her.

"Are you coming to the party tonight? "
She wipers in a hushed voice.


"Come on, Lexi. Alex is going to be there."

That's the reason.
"Sorry, Tiffy. I really can't come."

"please Lexi."

"No Tiffy, please understand."

"Oh, okay then."

She looks down at her book. I feel really bad about this but I can't go to he party can I? I can't be in two place at once! Even though I try things will get more complicated than they already are.

School finishes after some time. I walk to the parking lot with Tiffany.

"Tiffany, listen. I'm really sorry about not being able to come."

"It's okay Lexi,"

"Thanks for understanding."

"You wanna ride?"

"No, Tiffy. I'll just get the bus. See ya!"

"Bye, see ya."


After waking up from my nap, I glance at the clock. Seeing it's time for me to get ready, I get myself out of my bed. Still feeling dizzy, I look for something to wear.

After a few minutes, I end up with some jeans and a shirt. I wrap the bandages around my chest, as usual. I put on my shirt. I brush my hair and tie it in a low ponytail. Then I put my beard on.

I get out locking the door. Originally I was planning to ride my bike to the party. But, since I wasn't allowed to take my bike out of the club I had to decide against it. Now I'm getting a taxi. Yeah, great.

After a few minutes I reach the location Tiffany had texted me. The noise of the party can be heard even from the road.
I walk towards the big house. Its front yard is packed with people.

I rub the bridge of my nose with my index finger. I near the house hoping to find Tiffany. I get inside the house only to see no difference. The music is blasting and people are everywhere, literally everywhere.

I squeeze through the crowd to find somewhere less chaotic. I seriously doubt my life decisions right now. I scan the crowd to see if I'm lucky to spot Tiffany. I look back when I feel someone pulling my hand.

My eyes fall on a girl, dressed in a short dress. Her hair and makeup is messed up. She seems unstable on her own feet, so I assume she's drunk. I give her a questioning look.

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