Chapter 09.

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I drop my bag on the chair and lie on my bed. I stare at the ceiling as a series of thoughts cloud my mind. School was terrible as ever. Each and every one of my teachers were determined to make my day worse. I had forgotten to complete an essay and had to face a long lecture on how forgetting homework will affect my academic life.

My mind is a mess right now. I had so many things going on. I could barely concentrate on anything.

It's been three days, since I went on my first date, with Feliex. He called twice after the date. In my opinion, watching a horror movie on your first date isn't the best idea. And for Jake, he's the hardest person to understand, out of everyone I've ever met. His behaviour bothers me more than it should.

My phone rings, snapping me out of my trance. I see my Uncle's name flashing on my screen. Good, I've been trying to contact him for days.

"Uncle Tommo, where are you?"

"Alex, sorry boy. Got caught up with some work, so how is it going? "

"Fine, but why did you leave without telling me?"

"I was in hurry, how's the races?"

"I didn't have any races these days, you don't remember? "

"Ah, yes, I do remember, don't worry."

"Uncle Tommo, you said that you need to tell me something important or something."

"That's right, but I can't tell it over the phone."

"Oh, okay, I'll be at the club in, like five minutes."

"No Alex, I'll call you when the time comes, just wait until then."

"Uncle Tommo, you're not making any sense."

"That's all for now Alex, bye."

Without letting me tell anything, he hangs up on me. Uncle Tommo! I let out a frustrated sigh. There's something serious going on and he's hiding it from me. I'm worried about him.

I'm spending my time, doing absolutely nothing. Tiffany promised to pay a visit since I didn't go to her house for a few days. I glance over my window to see if she's there. To my surprise, her car is pulling in.

Her usual smile meets my eyes when I open the door for her. She comes in after me.

"Lexi, it's been so long since I saw you last."

"You saw me today, at school."

"So? It's been almost an hour!"

I shake my head in disappointment.

"So Lexi, how's your relationship with Feliex?"

"First, we aren't in a relationship, we just went on a date. Second, It was just a coffee date," I continue, "and he didn't speak about it when he called me."

"Well, I think you guys would make a cute couple, just give it a go. He's a nice guy,"

"I know, but..." I drift off in to silence, not sure what to say.
"Anyways Tiffy, what about Alex?"

"Oh, thanks for reminding, I need to call him."


"One of Jake's friends is throwing a party, I need to invite him."

"Why do you invite him?"

"I just want to spend time with him, you need to meet him too. Come to the party so you can meet him there."

"No, I'm perfectly fine like this, when is the party anyways?"

"It's on Friday,"


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