Chapter 03.

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"Lexi, um are you okay?" I come back to the reality with Feliex's deep voice. I nod my head, answering his question silently.
"So are you coming tonight? "
Think Lexi, think. What am I going to say?
"Um- uh- No, Feliex, my dad- I mean my uncle, yes, my uncle wanted to meet me tonight. Sorry."
Well done, Lexi.

"Oh, okay then." Feliex says hesitantly.
"I'm sorry Feliex, I really want to come, I guess we can hang out sometime."
He smiles at me warmly and nod in agreement. He's seems really good.
"Okay then, I think I'll better be going, you know, I got to see my uncle," I chuckle nervously.
"Tiffy, come here, Lexi is leaving! " he shouts.
"Oh, is she? I wanted to invite her to the dinner with Alex!"

Well, Tiffany my darling, you'd better let me leave if you want Alex there.

"Sorry, Tiffy, I gotta go, c ya at school."

I respond and without further details, I leave the house. I decide to call a taxi as I was kind of late, already. After being stuck by the traffic for a long time, I finally reach home. I pay the fee and run to my house. Home sweet home. It isn't that big since I live on my own.

As soon as I unlock my door, I rush to my room. Dropping my bag on the floor, I hurry to my shower. After coming out I dry my hair. I grab some clothes from my closet. Nothing fancy, though. Just black pants and a black dress shirt. Then I do my hair, tying it in a man-bun. Don't complain that's all I can do to make my hair look a guy's. I roll my sleeves up since it's easier to ride that way. After putting on my fake beard I head outside.

Soon I reach the hotel, The Plaza. It was easy to find than I thought. After parking my bike, I head to the main entrance. I remember why the hotel's name feels familiar. My father brought me here, with mom, on my birthdays. It stopped when I was like ten, though. They were too busy. I shake my sad memories off and enter.

I spot Tiffany waiting for me in the lobby. She is wearing a nice yellow dress, her hair tied in to an elegant updo. She was really beautiful. Sigh. I've never looked like that, ever in my life. Feliex is standing next to her. He is absolutely, ridiculously handsome in that suit. His messy hair was styled back and his green eyes were gleaming. Jake, that devil, is giving his full attention to his phone. James and Melissa is nowhere to be seen.

"Alex! It's so good to see you!" Tiffany cries, she's very excited.
She grabs my arm. I'm suddenly aware of the fact she is taller than me, she's even wearing heals now. Oh the joy! It wasn't that much of a problem when I was a girl but it is when I'm a guy. Jeez! This is embarrassing.

Tiffany leads the way to the dining hall. We sit at a reserved table for four people. So James and Melissa aren't coming. I am kind of happy of Melissa's absence. She makes me feel self conscious. Very self conscious.

"So James and Melissa are not here?" I ask openly.
"No, they had some business to deal with, hope you're okay with it." She asks.
Yes, I am so happy that Melissa isn't here.
"Oh, It's okay with me."

We order our food. Both Tiffany amd Feliex are nice, but for that Jake guy, he seems very rude. His eyes seem to be glued on that phone of his. He barely takes notice of me. How nice?

"So Alex, how old are you?" Tiffany asks.
"22" I answer immediately, that's my age, I mean Alex's age.
"Oh! You're twenty two?!" She seems taken back.
Imagine being 17 and acting 22. I didn't look that old even with a beard. Maybe because I'm kind of thin, and maybe because I'm short. I never thought my height would be this bad.
"He doesn't seem twenty two, he's too short to be twenty two."
Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to talk. You can't gudge people's age by their height!
"Jake, don't be so rude!" Feliex defends me, looking me in the eye.
Don't blush, Don't blush Lexi!!!
I look away because I'm positive I am blushing. There's seriously something wrong with me. Finally we order our food and wait for it to arrive. For a fact, I order something with a fancy name, but I have no idea what it is. I'm not used to these fancy hotels. Tiffany decides to break the silence.
"So, Alex are you single?"
I choke on my own breath. What is wrong with this girl? She suddenly offers me a sponsorship, then invite me to a dinner and then out of nowhere, asks if I'm single? What's happening to this world?

"Um- uh, well, I'm not dating anyone right now." I try my best to smile.
"Oh! Really! I'm single too! Feliex is single too, but unfortunately Jake is dating Melissa."

There's something wrong with her brain, seriously. But on the other hand Tiffany doesn't seem like a Melissa-fan. Thank god, I'm not the only one. So Feliex is Single. Interesting.

Finally saving me from further embarrassment the waiter arrives with our food. He sets the food down, I look at my dish. What is this? I have no idea what it is. It appears to be edible. So I take my first bite.

Ew, it's horrible. What is in there?

I chew on it holding back the urge to spit it out. I raise my head to see Jake watching me attentively. Tiffany and Feliex take no notice of this. I have to swallow the food, if you can call it food. I gulp down and it taste nastier. I take a big sip of water from my glass trying to get that taste out of my mouth. The dinner drags on in an awkward silence. Since I can't eat, I decide to talk a bit.

"So you guys just moved here, right? " I ask.
" yes, we-" Tiffany starts but Jake cuts her off, harshly.
"Who told you that?"
Oh, I forgot that's Lexi who knows that not Alex!

"I told him, Jake. What's wrong with you? Can't you be nice for once?" Tiffany saves me.
"So you're riding for a club, right? " Feliex asks changing the subject.
"Yup, my uncle's club, Griffin Riders."
"We come to see some races there, once in a while." Tiffany says.
Oh, so they don't usually come to the club. So what's all about this sponsorship? Without any conditions? Who was that guy? I try remembering the man uncle Tommo mentioned. Mr. Jones! That is the name. I torture my food with my knife, trying to eat, but miserably failing.
"Alex, are you okay?" Tiffany asks concerned.
"Yes, I'm just not hungry." I answer.
"So are you ready for the meeting with my father?"
What meeting?
"Your uncle informed you, didn't he?"

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