Chapter 07.

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I'm putting on my beard, ready to go to the club. The memories of last night still haunt my mind. Even in the school, I was so caught up in my thoughts that I was scolded by my teacher. Jake and I waited on the mountain until the sun fully went away.

We made our way out through the dark. He drove me back home. I thought he'll be nice to me after the incident. The sunset incident. But he was as cold as always and spoke nothing of the incident. I didn't exactly tell Tiffany about this.

Stopping a taxi, I get in. I watch the lights blend in to the night as we speed past them. The small encounter with Jake has left me completely uncomfortable. He didn't give me a reason for bringing me there. I'm not his friend and he hardly know me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wash away the feeling that something was not right.

"We're here."

I come back to reality with the driver's voice. Getting off of the car, I head to the club. People greet me with smiles on their faces. I don't recognise many of them but I smile anyways. I make my way through the crowd to my uncle's office.

"Uncle Tommo." I take a seat in front of him.
"Alex, ready to win tonight."
I nod without uttering a verbal response.
"Good, I'll confirm your participation."

I look around the office while my uncle speaks in to the phone.

"So, how's the deal going?"
"What deal?" I ask.
"Um, that one with Mr. Jonus or something......"
"Mr . Jones. That's going fine."
"Oh, and Alex I need to tell you something important, you know it's about-"

The door of the office opens showing the face of my uncle's assistant.

"The race is about to start, Alex must be presented to the crowd in the moment."

My uncle nods and gestures excusing me to leave. I follow the assistant in order to get to the stadium. After putting on my helmet and leather gloves, I get on my bike.

"Representing Griffin Riders, here comes, ALEX SILVER!"

With that I take off, racing towards the tracks, watching the crowd rant my name.


I pass the finishing line keeping my lead. Today's race was easy, the tracks weren't that difficult and there were hardly any competitive riders. I take my time to greet the fellow riders.

"Yo Alex, great job man. "
"Congrats Alex, you were amazing."

My name is announced as the winner and the crowd goes wild when I start waving at them. After signing for the end of the race, I head out to my private room. I park the bike and get off. Taking off the helmet I put it aside. I lock the garage and take out my keys. I'm about to unlock the door to my private room when I see a shadow.

It's a man, I can clearly see that since the figure stands tall and broad . He is wearing a black hoodie that covers his face. I take a step forward without making any noise. He is watching my room through the window. My dark curtains has moved, revealing a small view of my room.

"Hey, you, what are you doing?" I shout with the deepest voice I can muster.

He looks at me, his face still hidden behind the hoodie. Taking the risk, I take one more step towards him. He watches me for a second and out of nowhere starts running in the opposite direction. I follow him, sprinting ahead. But he gets in to a car and drives away.

It's too late to get my bike now. I try to place the number of the car but I fail as it has already gone far away. Sighing in frustration I dial my uncle's number. He doesn't pick up it goes straight to the voice mail. I try his assistant's number to face the same reaction.

I take off my jacket and gloves and throw them on a chair. I free my hair from the bun I'm wearing. I remember what uncle Tommo was saying when I had to leave. He said it was something important. I try to clear my mind but it seems impossible.

I'm having a few issues now. I have to deal with Tiffany and her dad's deal. I have to go on a date with Feliex tomorrow but I'm not ready at all. Jake that evil devil is haunting my mind all the time and worst of all, my uncle is certainly having some sort of a secret.

It's so hard to deal with all this stuff. I just need someone to tell me everything will be alright, someone to hold me close and give me strength. Mom, she was the one who did all this. She always helped me through hard times.

"Everything will be alright in the end, if not it's not the end." That's what she always told me. She died in a car crash. I got used to staying alone. Mom used to tell me stories and waited beside me until I fell asleep. I was afraid of the dark, she was the one to teach me how to overcome my fears.

Life was never easy after mom passed away. Dad didn't care about me at all. One day, suddenly he left, without telling me anything. Uncle Tommo was named as my guardian. He taught me how to ride. First it was difficult. I would fall and hurt myself but after months of practice and dedication I became good at riding.

My phone rings snapping me out of my trance. I stare at the screen. Finn's name flashes across the screen. I answer.

"Alex, sorry for calling this late." His words lead me to look at my watch. 11.30, pretty late.
"It's okay, so what's up?"
"Wanted to know if you're staying the night."
"Oh....... I'm not staying today."
"Alright, I'll tell Berry." Berry is one of the security staff.

He hangs up. I take off my fake beard and safely pack it in. I grab my bag and leave the room, still hidden behind my hoodie and the jacket. I return home.


I'm lying awake in my bed staring at my ceiling. I feel something is off but I can't quite place what it is. I have a date tomorrow, with Feliex. He'll be terrified if I turn up like a ghost. I cringe at the thought. I don't want to go on a date. It'll only make things more complicated. Why did I agree to do this? I'm not looking for a relationship right now. This was all my fault! How do I always manage to get my life all messed up.


Third person point of view:-

He was looking through the window waiting for her to arrive. Luckily the curtains has moved revealing the room. He was going to meet her. But someone ruined his plans. He didn't recognise the intruder. He steeped away from his plan and drove away. He waited, he can wait more. He didn't get a chance to see her let alone meeting her.

He had planned well, he was ready. He'll meet her as soon as he can. For now, he'll wait.

*A/N please read*

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