Chapter 05.

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Covering my face with my hoodie, I try to blend in with  the shadows. The stadium is isolated, there's no one to be seen. The sun hasn't risen yet, the fog is still covering the surroundings. I take a deep breath, enjoying the way the cold air filling my lungs.

I'm at the club and it's 5.30 am. Even though I love to sleep as much as  I can, I sometimes show up in the stadium in the mornings with my uncle's spare key. Perks -of -being -the-club- owner's- niece. Nobody's around here this early. Taking rides in the morning relaxes me and it helps me to get my mind off things.

I normally do this as Lexi and not Alex since I have uncle Tommo's permission. I get on my bike without hesitation. I reach out to grab my helmet, but on second thought, I decide to leave it behind. I ride at a slow pace, before entering the track.

As I go a little further, I speed up, cold air rushing around me. My face feels cold and my hood fall off my head. I whip past the wind, letting the cold air run through my hair. It's not safe to ride without the helmet but trust me this feeling is better than any safety.

After racing around a few times, I decide to leave. My watch reads 6.30 am meaning that I've been riding for almost an hour. I park my bike and lock the door. I check it once more for security and walk my way to the club's main building. Tucking my cold hands in my jeans pockets, trying to warm them up, I enter the building.

The sudden familiarity of the warmth hits me, giving me the comfort I needed. I wal, my shoes making a soft noise on the floor. I spot someone near my uncle's office. The club opens at seven. He doesn't come here until then. I frown. I take two more steps to take a better look. I'm quite surprised to find my uncle standing outside of his own office.

He's talking to his phone but I can't catch the words exactly. I try place some words but I fail, as always, miserably. He ends his call and stuff his cell in his pocket. I tap my feet on the floor lightly and start walking towards him, so I wouldn't be suspected for eavesdropping on his conversation.

"Hey, uncle Tommo. I greet him with a smile plastered on my face.
He doesn't seem to be surprised to see me as I always show up here in the mornings.
"Alex, so how was your ride?"
"It was fine, Uncle Tommo, were you talking to someone on the phone?" I ask casually.
"No Alex, I wasn't talkingto anybody." I nod at him already knowing the truth.

Uncle Tommo is my only family. He was my mother's brother. He supported me in everything. It's hard to believe that he's lying to me. He never lies to me. Never. He's always honest with me. He doesn't lie to make me feel better. He tells me the bitter truth and helps me to understand. This lie, most probably the first lie he has ever told me, is making me upset. Really upset.

I don't let my doubts to cloud my face. I talk for a while with him, without hinting that I know the truth. I excuse myself to leave and head out of the building. Now, I have to go home.
After settling down my towel and clothing, I hop in the shower. I let the water run and feel the warmth. It feels really nice to have a hot shower after my long ride. Thoughts abouts uncle Tommo are still running through my mind. I shake off the bad feeling. I step out stopping the flowing water.

I dry myself before putting on my clothing. I go for a pair jeans and a plain long sleeved t-shirt. Very fashionable, I know. I comb my hair to make it look presentable. Tying it in a low ponytail I grab my backpack and head to the kitchen to have my food. Greatest thing ever! Well, after racing. On second thoughts I would give food the first place.

I get off from the bus and enter the school. My eyes search for Tiffany. It's hard to believe that I actually enjoy her company. She is funny and confident. She is the only friend I've ever had. I see Tiffany, getting out of her car. I hurry my feet to get there.

"Hey, Tiffy." I call and wave at her when she looks in my direction.
"Hey Lexi, Come on let's go," she says gesturing me to come with her.
"I want to talk to you about something important." She says and she looks very serious.
"Don't be scared it's just about Feliex." She laughs at my widened eyes. Thank god it's about Feliex!
"What about Feliex? " I ask.
"He wanted to hang out with you."
He wanted to hang out with me, with me?!
"So what's your answer?" Tiffany asks looking at me concerned.
"What's my answer?" I'm confused.
"He wants you to go on a date with you."

What? A date? With me? What? I've never been to a date!

"I - I don't know. " I mumble.
"Come on, give it a try." I nod hesitantly.

We head to our classroom. Tiffany is talking uncontrollably, she doesn't notice that I'm not paying attention. I'm not sure going out with Feliex. Yes, he's nice. Yes, he looks good. But I can't date anyone. If I do so I'd have to keep my secret identity hidden. What will happen if I mess up?

I sit beside Tiffany placing my bag on the floor, near my chair.

"So, as I said, you guys can go on the date the day after tomorrow. Feliex will come to pick you up and I'll help you to get dressed." Tiffany continues her rant not paying attention to me.


I'm in Tiffany's car, riding with her. Since she haven't completed her studies I still have to go to her house. Her phone rings and without stopping she answers.

"Right now?............. okay, I'll be there........... sure........"
She ends her call and look at me, rather sadly.

"Sorry, Lexi. Dad wants me to come to his office. Like right now. I'll drop you at our house, so we can study when I return."

"Oh, okay." I agree since I don't have anything else to do.

"Do anything you like, feel at home."
"Will Feliex be there? "
"Nope, he's not home. James might be there but I'm not sure."

I get off the car after she stops in the driveway. I watch her drive away and start walking to the house. I push the handle of the front door. It's unlocked. I step in to the house. I decide to go to Tiffany's room. I'm about to climb the stairs when a voice interrupts me.

"Oi, shorty. Where's Tiffy?"

I turn around to see who's voice is that, praying my guessing to be wrong. Sadly, my guess is correct. Jake is standing in front of me. Tiffany didn't say that this jerk is here. I grunt before reponding.

"Her dad called her, she had to go."
"Then why are you here?"
"Tiffany wanted me here, is that a problem to you?"
"Indeed it is, I don't want dwarfs running around."
That's it. I'm gonna kill him.
"What did you just call me?"
"Dwarf, you don't know the meaning? That short-"
"I know what a dwarf is!"

I'm having enough of this devil. I haven't done anything to him but he's always rude to me. He's rude to me even when I'm Alex. There's something seriously wrong with him.

"I don't care what you call me. I didn't ask you for opinions!"
I shout at him and storm away. Climbing up the stairs, I head to Tiffany's room and bang the door close. Tiffany please come back soon! I don't want to be stuck with this devil.

An Angel In Disguise Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora