Chapter 04.

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I'm waiting outside of the office waiting to be called in. My hands are covered in sweat. I am nervous to meet someone who I know nothing about. I rub the bridge of my nose with my index finger, a simple gesture I do when I'm nervous. I am with Jake, that nice gentleman. Tiffany and Feliex left, leaving me with Jake. How nice of them?

I huff once again, glancing at Jake, who's sitting beside me. He seems to be obsessed with his phone. His fingers are running through the screen, I assume he's texting. I fight the urge to take his phone and throw it across the room. Can't he be nice for a change? He and his annoying obsession with his phone.

After waiting for ten more minutes, which felt like ten years, a lady, dressed very officially, call my name. Jake nudges my shoulder telling me to get up. I shoot him an evil look and get up from where I am sitting.

The lady leads me to an elegant looking wooden door. I gulp before pulling down the handle of the door. I enter a well lit room. The furniture looks very expensive as well as everything I see. I lead my eyes to the table. I see a man, Mr.Jones perhaps. He looks about fifty years old, dressed in a blue suit.

"You must be Alex," He addresses me. I nod, since I don't trust my voice right now.

"Come, sit." He says gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

He seems kind, I think I don't need to worry. I take the seat looking at Mr.Jones.

"I want to talk about your sponsorship."

I take a deep breath before talking,
"Y-yes, Mr.Jones."

I manage to croak out.

"I offered you this sponsorship because I realised how talented you are."

Without waiting for any response he carries on.

"The only condition is, you spending time with my daughter. You might be wondering why that's the only condition. My daughter lost her mother when she was seven. I just wanted to do something for her, she wanted you to spend time with her."

"Yes, Mr. Jones I understand. Don't worry."

After explaining the legal situation of the sponsorship he excuses me to leave.

"Thank you, Mr.Jones. It was nice meeting you." I greet him shaking his hand.

"Well, Mr.Silver, you're an interesting young lad."

I walk out of the office breathing heavily. I look at the couch to find Jake but he's not there. I sigh in frustration. So he left me alone! I take the elevator and reach  the ground floor. Fuming with anger, I take a sharp turn to head to the parking lot. Then my head collides with something hard. I look up to see- Jake?! Yes, it had to be him.

"Finished with your meeting?" He asks smirking.

"Yes." I snap.

"I've got a warning. Stay away from Melissa." He tells in a warning tone and walk ahead, leaving me dumbfounded.

What the hell did just happen? Why would he say something like that out of nowhere? Stay away from Melissa? I don't even like her! Besides I'm a girl, wait- he doesn't know that!


"You should have been there! Alex was there! He was so sweet! I can't believe he came!"

Tiffany is talking nonstop  about the dinner. She is describing every single detail while I'm trying my best not to get distracted.

"Miss. Jones, please pay attention to the lesson!"

Our teacher's voice interrupts her speech for like, the tenth time. She huffs before switching her attention to the board.

The bell rings indicating the end of the class. The teacher assigns us some homework before letting us go. I have a few classes before the day ends. Tiffany attends some of them. I have to go to her house once again, to help her with the studies.

She keeps talking about Alex. How cute he is, how nice he is and how talented he is. Does she like him or something? No that can't happen. I'm weird as a girl and weirder as a boy. That can't happen. I decide to ask her. Gulping, I speak carefully.

"Tiffy, Do you like Alex or something? "

"You didn't know? Of course I like him!" She giggles.

What? She can't like him! I'm a girl, so Alex is a girl too. What am I gonna do? This is going to be a huge mess.

I get out of her car, thoughts about Tiffany still clouding my mind. I enter the house adjusting the strap of my backpack. Tiffany goes to the kitchen, I follow her without thinking twice.

"Hey there shorty!"

I snap my head at the direction where the voice comes from.
Standing behind the kitchen counter Jake smirks at me.
Shorty? Where did that come from? I shoot him my evil look and frown. He furrows his brows before asking rudely,

"Why are you here?"

I don't know what is going on today. Tiffany has a crush on Alex and here Jake is suddenly interested in my presence.

"None of your business." I mutter.

"Well it is, since I live here."

"Don't be afraid of me, I'm just here to help Tiffany." I say.

"Afraid? Of you? Don't be a joke."

"Guys, stop being kids."

Tiffany cuts in interrupting my response. I frown at Jake giving him a glare.

I spend about half an hour explaining the lesson to Tiffany. She gets easily distracted. She keeps saying random things in the middle of the lesson. I huff in frustration as she start talking again.

"Tiffany, come on, enough about dresses. Now back to the lesson."

"Oh, come on, this is boring!" She says faking a yawn.

She closes her book amd grabs my book from my hands and keeping it on the table.

"Lexi, I'll complete the exercises tonight, I promise." She pleas, pouting.

"Okay, so what are you gonna do now?"

"Let's watch a movie!"

Few minutes later I'm watching a cheesy romantic movie, which I don't even know the name of. Tiffany seems to be enjoying the movie. I'm bored to death, so I decide to interrupt her fun.

"Tiffy, Isn't Feliex here?"

To my surprise, she pauses the movie and look at me. I raise my eyebrow questioning her action.

"It's boring, besides I've watched that so many times. As for your question, no. Feliex isn't here today."

"Can I ask you something? " I ask nervously. She nods in approving.

"Why is Jake always so rude?"

"He's not that rude when you get to know him, he's always rude to Alex too."

"Why?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"He thinks, Melissa likes Alex. But I know for a fact she doesn't like Alex."

So that's why Jake warned me to stay away from Melissa. But she doesn't even like me.

"You know, Melissa is older than him, and she's not that honest. So Jake trusts no one around her." Tiffany takes her time, explaining.

"You know, Feliex have been asking about you."

My heart starts beating faster and I feel my cheeks getting hot. Yes, I have a bad habit of blushing at unnecessary things.

"About me?"

"Yeah, he seemed pretty interested. I think you guys shouldhang out some time." Tiffany says smiling.

"I don't know." I say hesitantly, being honest.

"Yes, I understand. Just take your time." She says reassuringly.

I think I'm happy to have her as my friend.

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