Chapter 13.

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Lexi's point of view.

I stare at the clothes in front of me while trying to figure out a way out of this mess. Sighing to myself I start to dry myself with the towel Jake gave me.

I still feel embarrassed about the whole situation. I seriously messed up this time. There's no way of convincing Jake that I did nothing wrong.

I peel of my clothing and pull on the hoodie. I ruffle my damp hair trying to dry it.

Finally, after realizing that there's no way to run away from this, I slowly climb down the stairs.

I see Jake sitting down on the sofa, his head in his hands, probably trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

I walk closer and he notices me and signals me to sit down. I sit beside him trying to calm myself, which is quite hard at the moment.

He stares at me, his blue eyes seems clouded with confusion. We both say nothing. A minute or two pass.

"So......." he breaks the silence.

"So what?"

"You need to explain this."

"Explain what?" The words slip out of my mouth before I stop myself.

"I want to know why, you pretended to be Alex."

"I am Alex." I try to explain, only making him more confused.

"Look, stop messing with me. This is crazy, please explain this."

"It's a long story." I say with a deep sigh.

"So tell me."

"It will take time."

"I have plenty of that."

I take a breath and exhale trying to calm myself. Then I open my mouth, ready to tell my story, ready to spill my secrets to this boy.

"It all started on the day my mom died. I was thirteen when she passed away. I still have no clear idea why she died. She was sick for a long time, then eventually it got worse. My dad, he was a good man, he loved me and my mom very much but for some reason he left after mom died. He didn't think about me. He just left without any explanation."

I blink a few times to hold my tears back.

"Uncle Tommo, looked after me ever since. It was hard. Eventhough I was 13 I was still relying on my parents. They were my everything. Uncle Tommo owns the club where I ride.

I used to watch races with him. I was so fascinated and I decided that I needed to ride motorcycles. He didn't like the idea at all."

I chuckled to myself.

"Somehow I convinced him. He gave me permission but he told me to dress up as a guy. I didn't know the exact reason but I agreed anyways.

I was probably fifteen when I officially started racing. Uncle Tommo offered me a place in the racing club. For some reason I was quite good at racing, probably because I rode my bicycle whenever I got some free time.

I went to school normally, I mean as a girl. But I eventually dropped out because........ let's just say that I wasn't the best student after my mom died.

Riding at the club is quite hard, even as a guy so I decided it was the best if I stayed as I guy."

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Then I look at Jake who is looking at me with concern.

"So that's my story, I know what I did was wrong. Just don't tell others. I promise, I'll stay out of all your lives."

"Well, Lexi, I do understand your situation but I'm afraid I have to tell this to others."

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