Chapter 12 ✔️

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Dear Diary

It's been a tough couple of days. First Emily drags me to a bonfire. Zac sexually assaults me. Tyler spills the beans on why he kicked Zac's ass. I come to terms with the fact that Tyler is Emily's gossip partner in crime. I find out Gabby is a psychotic bitch. Zac confesses he's gay. I almost die on a roller-coaster and Tyler seems to be upset about everything I do. Crazy right? After all of that it's a damn miracle that I'm still breathing. I can't blink without some kind of drama happening. I've only been in college for a month now but I have a feeling this is only the start. Pray for me.


" I kidnapped a dog."


I could've sworn Emily just said she kidnapped a dog. Crazy - just then I hear what sounds like a bark. Am I hallucinating?

I hear another bark. Definitely not hallucinating.

I close my diary and look over at Emily. She's standing with a pug in her arms. Her hair is all over the place and she looks out of breath. I notice a few mud stains on her exercise clothes. She went out for a jog and came back with a dog. What could've possibly gone wrong?

Just what I need to add to the drama.

" You kidnapped a dog?" I ask as I get up from my chair.

Emily nods as she puts down the fluffy creature. The dog starts running around the room and sniffing everywhere. It better not pee on my shit. I watch as the dog runs over to Emily's pink fluffy slippers and starts to nibble on it. It looks as if Emily is sprinting away from a mask murderer as she dives for her slippers.

" Bad Twinkle!" she scolds.

So she kidnapped a dog named Twinkle. At least I'm the one staying out of trouble. Hah take that mom.

"Who's dog is it?"

Emily looks up from her sitting position on the floor. She throws her slippers onto her bed and starts to fiddle with her fingers. She bites down on her bottom lip as she avoids eye contact with me.

" Emily Catherine Steel who's dog is that? " I ask for the second time as I quirk my eyebrow.

I have a strong feeling I'm not going to like her answer.

" It's Gabby's dog okay." she admits.

Oh for the love of peanuts.

She kidnapped Gabby's dog? Can't you get like arrested for that? I'm pretty sure you can.

" Why would you kidnap her dog?" I whine as I take a seat on my bed.

The dog starts barking again and Emily puts her hand over it's mouth to tune out the barks. I'm sure it's against the rules to have pets in your dorm. If Emily gets us kicked out I'll lose it.

" She called me a whore." Emily shrugs.

Right because that's the reasonable thing to do. Ladies please if you get slut shamed or anything like that, don't kidnap a dog. It won't solve your problems.

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