Chapter 1

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The moon shone through the clouds as night began to fall over the city. Everyone well knew that being out in the city during nighttime is the same as asking for death. If your out and a gang sees you, your done. Though most feared this time, some came out from hiding to participate in the usual fights or robberies. Some had families, some alone. Even still, they came. One boy was perched on top of a building on the eastern side of the city. He viewed the skyline and sighed.

"So are you just going to stand there and look at the skyline or help me out with this" a voice called out from behind him. He turned around to the boy behind him.

"Yes, I'm coming" he responded, proceeding to walk over towards him. He looked at the man laying unconscious on the cement. "Who is this?" he asked.

"I got some inside info that he has been spying on us. Not completely positive, but may as well keep him until he wakes up." The boy proceeded to stand up after being hunched over the man. "Next time I'm going to get you to grab the goods and me wait up here. Kinda hard getting everyone y'know." The boy chuckled.

The other boy just stood there and looked at the man again. "Well, how do we know he is even the right guy? He could just be anyone out here." The boy said while giving the other boy a hard stare. "Don't tell me you are getting info from him again."

"Hey, I swear I wouldn't." The other boy said. "I made a promise, didn't I Aoba."

Aoba just stared at him again. "You really are a pain in the ass." He said after a few moments.

"Right back at you" the boy responded, looking at the man again.

"So, if we do figure out he was spying on the Blue Square, what are we going to do to him? Kill him? Or maybe you will find a river and drown him. Perhaps you will bury him." Aoba said sarcastically.

"I don't like the sarcasm Aoba." The boy said, with a cold smile.

Aoba grunted and walked towards the edge of the building again and looked down. He saw some people down there but they didn't seem to notice him. He looked up at the skyline again. "You ever think the city is going to turn on you, Mikado?" Aoba asked, still staring out into the city lights.

"Maybe, I don't know. It could always happen" Mikado responded. "But you would be on my side, wouldn't you?"

Aoba hesitated. He didn't fully trust Mikado but he didn't exactly not trust him either. He looked down at his hand and clenched it into a fist. "Yea" he lied.

"Well, that's always good to know." Mikado responded. He went and stood next to the shorter boy on the edge of the building. "Imagine if I pushed you" he laughed.

Aoba just stood there without changing any of his expression.

"Oh come on, I was just joking! There's no need to get all grumpy." Mikado said after seeing him. "I wouldn't kill you! Not unless you gave me a reason too."

After that they both stood there in silence. Aoba heard these comments all the time, so they didn't really bother him. The first time Mikado had said something like that really did scare the shit out of him though. Aoba broke the silence with a sigh. He turned around to look at the man.

"Would you look at that, he ditched." Aoba said. Mikado turned around to look too.

"Shit" Mikado said. "Well, I'm not chasing him down. It's your turn anyways."

Aoba looked over at him. "Tell me what you want me to do oh great leader sir." He murmured.

"It's nice that you think of me that way." Mikado responded, handing him a gun. "I hope you know how this thing works."

Aoba shrugged and walked down the stairs and out of the building. He looked down the dark alleyway each way to see if he could see anyone. No one. Not exactly the worst case but not the best right know. He went with his instincts and decided to go right. Maybe he would get something there. He walked down the alley, gun in hand. He finally made it towards the end where a bunch of garbage cans were lined up.

"Listen, I know you're here so you may as well just come out. If you cooperate I may decide to be nice today." He said, pointing his gun at one of the trash bins. He looked to his right and saw a man getting out of one of them.

"Please, don't shoot." The man said, sweat dripping down his face.

"Get out of the damn trash bin." Aoba responded, pointing his gun down a little ways.

The man got out of the trash bin and looked at Aoba. They both sat there for a few moments before the man started to dash away. Aoba watched him for a few moments before pointing his gun at him.

"Sick bastard." He said as he pulled the trigger.

The man stopped running and collapsed to the ground. Aoba walked over to see wether he killed him or not.

Blow to the head, there is no way he could possibly survive that he thought to himself. The boy took the gun and placed it in his pocket before disposing the man in one of the trash bins nearby.

"Well done! You make it look easy. Though you should of got him the first second he popped his head out."

Aoba turned around and saw Mikado standing there. He narrowed his eyes. He was sounding so much like that bastard Izaya, he almost had a motive to shoot him in the head.

"It was nothing." Aoba said without blinking.

"Well, you should probably head back to your place since we have school tomorrow. You have a history test and you probably don't want to fail it. I could help you study if you'd like." Mikado said with a smile.

Aoba just stared at him. It's crazy how he could go from crazy gang leader killing machine to nice helpful best friend in two seconds.

"Nah, I'm good. I studied a good amount after I got home from school. Thanks anyways." He said, starting to walk off.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Aoba." Mikado said to him.

Aoba just kind of nodded and continued walking.

Well, there goes tonight. Guess I'll see if anything goes different tomorrow the boy said to himself. I just threw a body in the dumpster and the first thing he tells me is to worry about a history test he thought. He smiled to himself and walked home. Things would be very different before long.

Outside The Shadow (Durarara!! AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن