Chapter 2

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The next day came fairly quickly. Though Aoba got a decent night sleep, he still felt exhausted. He managed to finish the history test which was very reassuring. If he could at least get a C, he would be happy with himself. As he walked through the hallways, his shoulder hit another boy's.

"Hey, could you watch it?" The boy said, in a semi-harsh tone.

"Sorry" Aoba grunted as he turned around to confront the boy. He was shocked to find it was Masaomi Kida. He didn't have the best history with him, mostly because of Aoba's brother. Masaomi just stared at him.

"Hey listen, I'm not going to get pissed off or anything. Just keep Mikado out of trouble because I know that trouble is your middle name." He finally said.

"The only person causing trouble in Ikebukuro would have to be Izaya Orihara. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way." Aoba responded. He slightly bowed and walked away, smirking.

Masaomi stood there for a second then turned around and went to his next class.

That damn asshole, he's gonna get Mikado hurt or possibly even killed somehow! He thought.

He immediately shook away the thought as he ran into Anri.

"Helloooo Anri" he said, smiling.

"Oh, hello Masaomi." Anri responded with a small smile.

"So how is the most beautiful girl in the world's day going. Probably wasn't that good until I ran into you I'm guessing." He smirked, his arms behind his head.

"It's going just fine, actually. I have to talk later, gotta get to my next class."

And just like that, the boy was alone again. He stood there as people around him were talking about their own lives and families and other things. He let out a small sigh. Why did it seem like everyone was pushing him away? Though he didn't want to, he barely made it through his last class and made it home. Once he made it home he flopped on his bed and opened up his phone. He looked through the messages in the chat he was in but put his phone down.

"Why does everyone abandon me..." he said to himself, his legs up to his chest. "I'm caring and passionate, what do people not like about me?"

He looked at his scarf hanging up on the wall. He sighed.

"It's your fault isn't it?" He asked the inanimate object.

The scarf just sat there with no movement. No breeze or anything to affect it.

"Damn it" Masaomi whispered as he flopped backwards onto his bed. "I wish you were here right now Mikado, you could make me feel better."

After lots of procrastination and cussing, the boy eventually got up and went out. He didn't know or care where he was going, he just went wherever his legs took him. He thought about getting something to eat but he wasn't very hungry. He ended up just going to the park and sitting there by himself. He told everyone that he wanted to be alone for awhile, but was that a mistake?

No, it's what I wanted and everyone respected that.

He still sat there until he heard someone else's voice next to him.

"Mind if I join you?" They said.

Masaomi looked up and saw him.

"What do you want Izaya." He sighed, looking back at his feet.

Izaya sat down next to the boy anyways. He sat there for a few moments without saying anything.

"So why are you out here by yourself on such a beautiful day? Your usually with your friends, so where are they?" He finally said.

"No clue. I haven't even seen Mikado in a few days." He responded with anger toning his voice.

"Hey, there's no need to be upset. Maybe they are doing other things." Izaya said, looking at him.

Masaomi still sat there, not looking up from his feet. He didn't want to confront him, not after everything he had done to him and everyone he had done to everyone he loved and cared about.

"Not everything is about you, Kida." Izaya said in a softer tone.

"Screw you, Orihara." Masaomi said, getting up. "No wonder everyone hates you, because being lonely is the worst feeling in the world."

"And you think I wouldn't know what loneliness feels like? Heck, I'm alone all the time you see." Izaya said back to the boy.

Masaomi just turned around and walked away. He was over Izaya's bullshit and didn't want to deal with him anymore. By the time he got home, it was already 9 PM. He fell onto his bed and let out a shaky breath. His vision started to get blurry as tears started to form in his eyes. He tried to wipe them away but they kept coming done his cheeks.

"Why does everyone in this goddamn city hate me?!" He yelled as he hit the wall next to his bed.


Masaomi didn't end up going to school the next day. His phone was filled with emails from his gang members asking where he was the previous night since he called a meeting but never showed up. He felt physically and emotionally exhausted and didn't want to deal with the hassle of everybody ignoring him.

He went up to get the door as he heard a knock and saw Erika standing there, with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh, hey Erika. What's up?" He said, not trying to uplift his voice.

"Nothing much! Anri said that you looked super gloomy yesterday and that today you didn't show up for school so she just wanted me to come check in on you!" She said happily.

"She really sent you to come check in me?" Masaomi said, starting to feel a little bit better.

"Mmm-hmm!" Erika responded. "I'm going to tell Anri that your ok but I need to go with the guys to do, well, I will tell you that later."

Masaomi let out a slight chuckle. "Ok, I'll see you later Erika." He said, forcing a smile.

"Alrighty, and if you ever need anything just let me know!" She called out. "Bye Masaomi!"

Masaomi let out a little wave before closing the door. He sat down in front of his door and picked up his phone. He looked at all the emails he got in his inbox and went through them all. He was surprised at how many people were actually worried about him.

I'll go back tomorrow, I just wasn't feel great last night he thought to himself.

He looked at his scarf hanging on the wall. He let out a slight smile as he looked at it.

"Not everything is about you, Kida" he said to himself.

Outside The Shadow (Durarara!! AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora