Chapter 11

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Anri was walking around downtown with Erika. She asked her if she wanted to come and join her so she said yes. She didn't want to deny her request. She had tried calling Masaomi a few times before hand just in case he swung by her place and didn't see she was there, but he never picked up.

"Are you ok Anri? You look a little troubled" Erika asked her as the two walked side by side.

"I'm alright. It's just that Masaomi hasn't been picking up his phone. I'm just a little worried, that's all" she said to her.

"Hey, that's alright! He is probably out doing his own things with his guy friends" Erika said happily.

Anri smiled at her. "I guess you are right." She said, putting her phone up.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Erika asked, turning towards Anri.

"I don't really know. I am kind of tired though. But we can do something you want to do" she replied.

"Well, I've done just about everything around here so that's no help" Erika began, starting to list places they could go and things they could do.

Anri listened to her, or at least tried too. Erika was talking so quickly that it made her brain hurt.

"So that's basically all the ideas I have. Any sound appealing?" She said after a few minutes.

"I don't remember anything on the list honestly. Sorry" Anri responded.

"Well, I guess I talk a little bit too fast. Me and Walker talk fairly quickly all the time. It is..." she began again.

A little quickly? Your running at 1000 words per minute

Anri listened to her until she felt her phone buzzing. "Hold on Erika, someone is calling me" she said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

"Ok! I will wait here for you" Erika said to her.

Anri simply nodded at walked to a less crowded area so she didn't have to worry about the loud people in the area. She picked up the call without checking who it was.

"Masaomi?" She asked.

"Close, but not quite" the voice said on the other side.

Anri stiffened up. "Mikado?"

"Yep, you got it that time" Mikado replied.

Anri felt relieved to hear him on the other side, though worried. "It's nice to know that you still have my number" she said.

"Yeah, sorry I haven't been in much contact with you. It must be hard dealing with Masaomi all the time" Mikado responded with a little laugh.

"It's fine, and Masaomi isn't all too bad. You probably should call or talk to him too. He has been taking it kind of hard" Anri said, remembering how Masaomi looked when she went to talk to him a few days ago.

"Oh, I already spoke to him" Mikado said coldly. "Actually, I saw him today."

"Really? He must of been relieved" Anri said happily to him.

"Maybe. Actually, can you do me a favor?" Mikado asked.

"Umm, sure. What is it Mikado?" Anri said with a little bit of nervousness in her voice.

"Stay away from Masaomi" he simply said.

"B-but why? Mikado, what happened?" Anri asked.

"That doesn't matter now. He will hurt you Anri. Don't trust him. Stay on my side and I promise you will never be hurt again" Mikado said.

"Mikado, please just tell me what happened" Anri begged.

"Your being difficult. Your just digging your own grave at this point Anri" Mikado muttered.

"Masaomi was there for me when you abandoned both of us. He stayed by my side when you didn't. Why should I trust you a few weeks after you abandoned us? Give me a good reason Mikado" Anri said, starting to feel upset with him.

"He backstabbed me. So why wouldn't he backstab you? If you are really worried about who to take sides with, then leave" Mikado said.

"I'm not leaving, ever. I will fight until we are all happy again" Anri said quickly.

"You can try, Anri. You can try all you want but things will never be the same. I hope you make the right choice. Talk to you later" Mikado responded blankly.

"Mikado? Wait!" Anri yelled into the phone but he hung up anyways. She stood there in shock for a few moments before Erika came to check on her.

"You ok? It sounds like that person was making you very upset" Erika said to her.

"I'm sorry Erika but I have to go find Masaomi right now, ok?" She said apologetically.

"Hey, that's fine. But if you need me just call me" Erika replied, smiling.

Anri smiled back, said thank you, and left. She wasn't worried about. Mikado or where he was at anymore, wether he was hurt or ok, she was worried about Masaomi and what Mikado would do to him if she didn't get there in time.

Masaomi, please pick up your phone

She pleaded this in her mind as she kept dialing her friend over and over. It would ring for a few seconds, and give the normal message that they weren't available at the moment.

"What is happening right now?" She wondered out loud.

She kept running, maybe thinking that if she ran in one direction she could find them both. After awhile she saw Celty and called her over.

"Celty, can you please find Mikado and Masaomi? I feel like something terrible is going to happen and I can't find them anywhere" she begged her.

Celty nodded at the girl and rode off on her motorcycle.

Maybe Masaomi is near his base. I should start there

And so Anri was heading off to find her friends once again, praying that both of them would be alright after the night would end.

I find you both. You guys will be ok, we always managed to work it out before. I won't rest until you two are happy.

I will fight until we are all happy again.

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