Chapter 12

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Masaomi was walking with the members. Koji was trying to keep his spirits up even though one of their guys had just been gunned down. The other guys were walking silently. Masaomi felt like he was going to throw up then pass out in five seconds. Everything that just happened felt like a dream.

I will wake up any second. I will wake up any second. Wake up damn it!

The one thing that still burned in his mind was Mikado. His expressions and body movements and just everything pissed him off. He wanted to just break down right there but he continued walking. He had to confront him again.

"So, does anyone know where they might of gone?" Koji asked the group. Everyone sat there, looking at each other for ideas.

"The only place nearest to here would be Aoba Kuronuma's place. I think we should start though though we may run into Izumii and his group" Masaomi spat out.

"That's a great idea chief! Though we should probably get some more guys before we do head over there just to stay safe" Koji said.

Masaomi pulled out his phone to call up some of the guys when he saw the missed calls and texts from Anri.

"Hey, I will be back. Koji, call some guys. If I'm not back in five minutes come get me" Masaomi said, starting to walk off.

"Yes chief!" Koji yelled, saluting him. The other members sighed in frustration at him.

Masaomi went to an empty alley and was about to dial Anri back when he saw a shadow down the alley. "Anri?" He asked, raising his voice so the person could hear.

"Masaomi? Is that you?" The voice called back.

"Yeah, it's me" Masaomi responded.

Anri ran up to him. "Are you ok? Did Mikado hurt you? Did you hurt Mikado? Where did he go? Where is he now? Do you-" she began.

"Hey hey hey. Calm down. How did you know Mikado saw me?" He asked her.

"He called me. He told be not to trust you and stay away from you because you backstabbed him. Is that right?" She asked him.

Masaomi stood there uncomfortably. He didn't want to admit to Anri that he possibly hurt their friend, but he really wasn't trying too.

"Where you crying?" Anri asked quickly, changing the subject.

"Maybe" Masaomi said, trying to put on a smile.

Anri was not smiling though. "What did he do?" She asked quietly.

So, Masaomi gave her a quick run through of what had happened a few minutes prior to their surprise meeting. Right as he finished Koji cam down the alley.

"It's been five minutes chief! I was making sure you were ok! The other guys are here!" He said to him.

"One, thanks. Two, tell the other guys thanks. Three, stop calling me chief" Masaomi said jokingly.

"Who is this?" He asked, ignoring his comment.

"Anri, this is Koji the second in charge of the Yellow Scarves, Koji this is Anri my best friend" Masaomi said.

"It's nice to meet you" Anri said, bowing her head politely.

"Right back at you. We are probably going to head off in a few minutes" Koji said.

"Tell the guys I will catch up. Go ahead without me" Masaomi said, gesturing with his hand to leave.

"Got it chief!" Koji yelled, running out of the alley.

"It's Masaomi you dumbass!" Masaomi yelled at him with a little laugh at the end.

"So, where are you going right now?" Anri asked him after Koji left.

"To find Mikado, but mainly Aoba since he just shot one of our guys" he said before realizing he just screwed up.

"He did what?!" Anri asked in shock.

"Ok! So he was going to stab Mikado for being an asshole to me but then Aoba shot him and they both took off, got it?" Masaomi explained quickly.

"I didn't realize the situation was this out of hand" she said sadly.

"Hey, it's going to be fine. Alright?" Masaomi said, trying to keep her spirits up.

Anri just him the normal small smile she would always give him. "Your right, it'll be fine" she agreed.

Masaomi smiled back at her. "Well, do you want to come with me and the boys to go find them?" He asked her.

"Sure, it will be an opportunity to find Mikado and get him away from Aoba so why not" Anri said quietly.

I wish we could get him away from Aoba

The two caught up to the other Yellow Scarves members who had made good progress while they were chatting.

"Everything looks good so far chief but we still have a little while before we get there. We could be ambushed any second" Koji said when Masaomi caught up to him.

"You hear that guys? Be ready because an ambush could come from anywhere!" Masaomi yelled so everyone could hear.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Let's get this out of the way. I'm over dealing with the Blue Square all together. They can go burn in hell" Masaomi muttered.

"It's better than dealing with Izaya and Izumii though" Anri said, trying to make him feel better.

"I guess your right Anri" Masaomi said, nodding his head in agreement.

Anri smiled at him as they pushed further on towards their destination. They were still a little ways away from where they were suppose to be arriving at but they would be there soon.

"We will be there in a little bit chief. I would say in about 5-10 minutes" Koji said to Masaomi.

Masaomi nodded silently at him. "At least we didn't run into you know who" he muttered.

"I think he is on the other side of town. I heard about someone bashing in car windows with a hammer" Anri said.

"Sounds like him, we will be fine" Masaomi said gratefully. "Let's just do this quickly boys. Try your best not to hurt anyone and don't do anything without an order from me or Koji. Got it?" He yelled to the group.

The group nodded at him.

"It will be ok Anri, I promise. We may not get Mikado back, but this is probably the closest we will get" Masaomi said to her.

Anri nodded at him.

We are coming Mikado. Prepare yourself because we are not going without a fight.

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