Chapter 3

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Anri was walking towards her next class. She didn't want to rush so of course she took her time. Once she got the message from Erika that Masaomi was ok, she felt relieved. Though, the girl had still felt bad about blowing him off the day before. These thoughts still lingered in her mind. She was about to walk into the classroom when someone called out behind her.

"Hey Anri!" They said.

Anri turned around to see Mika and Seiji standing there together. "Oh, hello Mika. You too Seiji" she responded.

"How is it going? You seem kind of troubled." Mika said, with a little bit of concern in her voice.

"Oh it's nothing. I just thought I upset one of my friends yesterday but I think he is fine."

"Well, if you think you did upset anyone you should probably talk to them about it." Seiji said. He still had his arm wrapped around Mika.

Anri sometimes felt slightly jealous of the two. She wished she could love a human as much as Mika loved Seiji. She thought about giving up Saika, but was it worth it.....

"Anri? Are you ok?" Mika said, waving her hand in front of her face.

Anri just simply nodded, said a soft "thanks", and walked into the classroom. She saw Mikado sitting in his desk. She hadn't talked to him for awhile. Though she thought about talking to him, she sat down in her desk and waited for class to begin.


Class seemed to go by fairly quickly to Anri. Once the bell rang she got up and walked out of the class. Mikado didn't even look at her, which made her slightly upset. She went and gathered all her items and began walking home. Once she got to the location where her and Mikado would spilt up with Masaomi to go home, she stopped.

Should I really go see if he is ok? I mean he did look really upset yesterday. He would talk to me if he made me upset

She stood there for a few more moments before making up her mind to talk to him. She walked at a slightly faster pace than normal. If she could talk to him fairly quickly she could probably get home before dark. Once she reached his front door, she hesitated before knocking. She knocked lightly and a few seconds later, and very defeated Masaomi opened the door.

"Hello Masaomi" Anri said, bowing her head a little.

Masaomi instantly fixed his hair and said "hey Anri, wassup!"

Anri was surprised by how quickly he went from super sad looking to super energetic just by seeing her. "I actually came here to talk to you about yesterday." She said, trying to uplift her voice a little bit.

"Hey, it's not a big deal. I'm just an emotional baby. Don't mind me." Masaomi responded, purposely acting over-dramatic.

"Well, it kind of mattered to me. When you didn't come to school today I was kind of worried. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Plus Mikado seems to be ignoring us so you are the only person besides Erika I can talk too." Anri stated.

"Yea, I don't really know what's up with him." Masaomi muttered, a little bit of sadness returning to his eyes.

"But hey, as long as we have each other we should be fine. Right?" Anri added quickly, hoping to ease the little bit of sadness that came back to him.

"Of course Anri! Anything for you! I mean I could go jump off a bridge or something for you if you asked me!" Masaomi exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air.

Anri giggled a little bit at him. "You don't have to do that, Masaomi. If I ever need anything I would let you know." She said.

"Alrighty then Anri, do you need anything now?" Masaomi asked her.

"No, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I better be on my way now, since it is getting dark." Anri said quietly.

"Ok! Bye bye Anri!" Masaomi said with a grin.

Anri gave him a small wave and then proceeded to walk home. She felt relieved that Masaomi seemed ok.

Is he really ok, or was that a hoax?

She pushed the thought away. "He has to be fine" she whispered to herself as she continued walking.

The sun was starting to set so she picked up the pace to make it home before it actually went fully down. When she made it to her apartment, she saw that the door was slightly opened. Instinctively Anri pulled out Saika and walked inside slowly. She put it down when she saw Erika in the room.

"Hi Erika, you have to let me know if your going to come in here. I could of cut you to pieces" Anri told her after she shut the door.

"Sorry Anri! I just wanted to get here before you did! I saw you talking with Masaomi and wanted to get here before you so we could talk about it!" Erika said excitedly.

"You... saw me?" Anri responded quietly.

"Sit down! Come on let's chat!" Erika said, not hearing the comment.

The two girls chatted for a little while before Erika got a call from Walker and had to go. After Erika had left, the apartment was quiet. Anri let out a small sigh. She still felt worried about Masaomi even though he said he was fine. Maybe that wasn't where all of her worries lied. She was worrying about Mikado too. He had stopped talking to the two when Masaomi told him and Anri that he wanted to be alone for awhile. The girl just assumed that everything would go back to normal but it hadn't.

What could Mikado be up too though? He couldn't possibly do anything wrong.... could he?

Anri didn't push this thought away like her many others. Many questions were still left hanging in her mind. What is Mikado up too? Is he ok? Does he hate Masaomi and I for some reason? Was it something I did? She laid there for a few minutes, many questions rushing through her mind. Sadly, she knew that some may never be answered. She looked at her clock, 8:56 PM. Still kind of early.

"Maybe u could go check on Mikado" she said to herself.

This routine happened every night. She would tell herself to go check on Mikado but then say she would do it the next night. This night wasn't any different. Same thing. She turned off the lights and laid in her bed. Even though she did lay there, she didn't quit fall asleep yet.

Where are you right now, Mikado?

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