Chapter 9

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"Guys.... guys... guys! Quiet down would you?!"

Everyone in the Yellow Scarves base immediately silenced themselves as their leader shushed them.

"Ok, so I know it's a little bit strange for me to call two meetings back to back like this but this is urgent" Masaomi said, raising his voice so everyone could hear.

He cleared his throat before beginning. "Ok, so we know the Blue Square has been making advances on us recently. They have been jumping our members left and right and we need to put an end to this right now."

Mikado rolled his eyes at his friend's comment. He knows his guys wouldn't jump others without his permission. Would they?

"I need more advances. We need more advances. It's time to take back Ikebukuro and send the Blue Square back to the grave. We will rise! And if they try to stop us, we fight. We don't back down. Why? Because we are the Yellow Scarves. We have arose from the ashes to become something greater than we ever were. It's time we teach the Blue Square a lesson and kick their asses out of Ikebukuro!"

Everyone in the base started cheering at this comment. They believed in their leader and they knew he believed in them also.

"We will start formulating a plan" Masaomi said, trying to raise his voice above the cheering. "Does anybody have any ideas?"

Many members started speaking out. Suggesting to burn down their base or kill their leader and other crazy acts.

"I can see where everyone is coming from, but none of those will work" Masaomi began, standing up. "The leader of the Blue Square does not work alone, he has a partner. Aoba Kuronuma, the younger brother of Ran Izumii. We remember what he did to us? Right?"

Many members started booing at Izumii's name. Masaomi smiled at the supporting members.

Mikado, though, was not smiling. He didn't like Izumii either but he didn't like the way this meeting was heading. He looked over and saw Aoba crouched near the window like he said he would be. Mikado turned back to Masaomi and narrowed his eyes.

Once the noise died down, Masaomi began talking again. "That little shit is the key to the downfall of the Blue Square. I don't know if you all know this but he created the gang in the first place, then decided to give the power to Izumii when he couldn't take the pressure. So what would happen if we put more pressure on him?"

"He would quit!" one member yelled out, which got the rest of the crowd cheering.

"No! That's not what I mean!" Masaomi yelled, causing everyone to go silent. He stood up and began talking again. "He would get pissed, which isn't the best idea. We need to find a way to get him out of power. So the only way we can do that is either kill him, put him in jail, or drive him out of Ikebukuro completely. You hear me?"

Some members nodded in agreement while others looked a little spectacle.

Mikado was standing there in shock. Rage boiling, causing him to clinch his fists. His best friend, no, old best friend wanted to drive the one person he cared about away from him?

You really think Aoba is running the show? You cunning bastard

"We will start with my first plan, drive him out. Make him run for the hills and never come here again. If you can do that, the rest will be a piece of cake. If that doesn't work, then we will frame him for something and get him thrown in jail. We will save killing to be our last option. So for now, scare the shit outta em guys" Masaomi yelled down at the crowd.

This got the crowd extra excited. Some cheering, others yelling "The Yellow sky will rise again".

Mikado still sat there then looked at Aoba. He looked pissed as well. Mikado looked back at Masaomi who was still standing up there, he raised his hand as a signal for everyone.

Masaomi was smiling, way more than he had smiled in a long time. It felt good knowing his members got his back and that they may finally eliminate the Blue Square. He was looking down at the crowd when he made contact with someone else's gaze. He sat there for a second and immediately recognized Mikado staring right back at him with anger in his eyes. He turned around and began walking out.

So your not going to do shit? How brave of you

Masaomi just stood there, dazed. He wanted to regain Mikado's trust but he basically handed all of his plans to him. He wanted to break down right then and there, but he kept his composure.

"Hey, are you ok Masaomi?" Someone asked him.

He looked to his right to see Koji standing there. "Get some guys, there was an intruder in the crowd tonight."

"Yes chief!" Koji said quickly as he ran off to go get some guys.

"Bring him back to me!" Masaomi yelled at him, and Koji held a thumbs up at him. Masaomi then sat back down, feeling all of his energy drained from him. He wasn't sure if it was from the speech, seeing Mikado, or both. He felt worn out.

I can't just sit here! Mikado is still out there and I just told the guys to get rid of that Aoba kid, so he is probably with him right now!

With that thought, Masaomi instantly got up and started walking out of the base. He had a gun in his pocket just in case he ever did get jumped by anybody out in the streets. He saw Koji grabbing some guys and walked up to them.

"Hey, you guys ready?" He asked, pulling his gun out of his pocket.

Koji looked at Masaomi and then the gun and then Masaomi again. "Let's do this" he responded.

Masaomi smiled at him before they started heading in the direction he thought he saw Mikado go in. Anger was filling up his body, not from Mikado but from Aoba.

Aoba Kuronuma and Izaya Orihara. Two of a kind. Screwing up lives since the day I set foot in this damn city.

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