Chapter 13

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Aoba finally made it back to his place completely out of breath. He was gasping for air by the time they walked in.

"You run. So fast" Mikado said, gasping for air too.

Aoba simply nodded at him and grabbed some water out of the fridge. He threw one at Mikado which hit him in the head.

"Asshole" Mikado said, starting to chuckle at him. He picked up the bottle and started drinking it.

"Well, that was an interesting night" Aoba said after drinking some of the water.

"Definitely" Mikado agreed. "I didn't expect to get caught."

"I told you so" Aoba laughed.

"Well, at least I didn't shoot anyone" he said, smiling at him.

"Well, that was because you were pissing off another gang leader. If you haven't made him cry then maybe that guy wouldn't of charged at you and I wouldn't of shot him" Aoba responded.

Mikado laughed at him before sitting down. "Nice place" he said, looking around.

"I guess" Aoba said, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not that much, but I try."

"I think you do a good job" Mikado responded.

Aoba slightly smiled at him. "You know they are probably following us, right?" He asked him.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I have a plan" Mikado said, putting the cap back on the bottle of water.

"So, what is it?" Aoba asked him.

"Well, if you really want to know you have to pay a price Aoba" Mikado replied with a sly grin.

"How much do you want?" He asked, rolling his eyes at him.

"No, I don't want money" he said quietly.

Aoba narrowed his eyes at him. He excepted him to start laughing at his expression but he didn't which shocked him. "What is it?" He asked, eyes still narrowed.

"Hmm, I dunno. I guess I could figure it out while I'm here...." Mikado started, standing up to walk towards the younger boy.

"You better tell me because if you don't tell me it we are going to be screwed" Aoba said, starting to backup as Mikado walked closer towards him.

"I'm still trying to figure it out though Aoba! You have to give me a minute" he said, still walking towards him.

"Chill out Mikado" Aoba said. He continued walking backwards until his back hit the wall. "Mikado, what is wrong with you?"

Mikado pushed himself against Aoba so he couldn't slip away from him. "Nothing is wrong Aoba. Why would anything be wrong with me?"

Aoba didn't want to fight Mikado off but he didn't exactly want him on him either.

"Why are you up on me?" He asked him normally, acting as though he wasn't affected by him.

"I am? Wow, I didn't realize..." Mikado said sarcastically.

Aoba rolled his eyes at him. "Off" he simply said.

"No" Mikado said back to him.

If you do anything sexual to me I am going to backhand the hell out of your face

"Listen, tell me now and I will let you do whatever the hell you want later... ok? Now is not a good time. The Yellow Scarves are going to get here any minute and you standing here up on me isn't going to solve anything" Aoba said to Mikado, hoping it will get him off.

"I guess your right... and you said whatever right?" Mikado replied.

"Yes, anything. I don't give a fuck right now" Aoba said angrily.

Mikado smiled at him and got off. Aoba looked him and held his hands up. "So, what is it?"

"Oh yes. It's quit simple actually. We storm Ikebukuro" Mikado said blankly.

"We do what?" Aoba said.

"Well, we will get the Blue Square and The Dollars to storm Ikebukuro! Maybe we can see if we could get Izumii to help us...." Mikado replied.

"No. We are not getting Izumii involved in this. We can get anyone else, I don't give a fuck, but not him" Aoba protested.

"But he is your brother Aoba. I thought you would like him helping us" Mikado said, smiling.

"Don't give me that" Aoba grunted.

Mikado laughed at Aoba. "Ok, fine. I was just kidding! You get so pissed at everything I do!"

"So, you are getting everyone in the Blue Square and The Dollars to come together and storm Ikebukuro. What are we going to get out of that?" Aoba said, ignoring Mikado's comment.

"Well, first we will make it seem like a protest. Then, we will declare the Yellow Scarves as an enemy and eliminate them all there. It's simple Aoba" Mikado explained.

"Oh, so you are smart" Aoba said, rolling his eyes.

"Here is my plan. You call the Blue Square and me The Dollars, it will make it easier to get them there. The Yellow Scarves will show up and we will destroy them" Mikado said.

"And if anyone gets in the way?"

"They get destroyed too."

Aoba grinned at Mikado. "Sounds like a great idea. I'm on board."

Mikado smiled back at him. "Well, we should probably go now. They will be arriving soon."

"Oh yeah, finally you remember that we are being followed" Aoba laughed.

"Let's destroy them Aoba" Mikado said.

"All of them" Aoba added.


Masaomi kicked in the door of Aoba's place. "Both of you, out!" He yelled. Silence. "Don't ignore me! Come out now!" He yelled again. Silence. Koji walked into the apartment to see it was empty.

"They left chief" he said to Masaomi as he walked in.

"God dammit" Masaomi said angrily.

Anri looked around the room to make sure they weren't hiding anywhere. Should looked and saw a note laying on the ground.

"Hey guys, there's a note" she said. The others all walked over to see the note.

"Hmm. 'Storm Ikebukuro'. What the hell does that mean?" Masaomi said, reading the note.

"We need to go" Anri said, not looking at him.

"What makes you think that?" Masaomi asked her.

"We need to get over to the main city. Something bad is about to happen, I just feeling it."

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