Chapter 6

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The previous night had been filled with multiple jobs. Celty arrived home at 11:45 t night, which of course worried Shinra since she didn't alert him how long she was going to be out. Though Celty almost immediately went to sleep, preparing for the number of jobs the next day would bring. The next day she was woken up by Shinra.

"Hey Celty! I know you may be tired but you have another job this morning" Shinra said, sounding apologetic.

"Hey, it's no big deal. I will just get it over with a be home in a few hours" Celty typed.

"Ok, well have a good day then! I got some stuff I've gotta do at work today so I will probably be busy today also" Shinra stated.

Celty nodded and then got on her motorcycle to head to her first job of the day. It seemed like it was job after job all day. Wasn't much different than the day before. Luckily she got little breaks here and there so she could take a moment and compose herself. She decided to stop in the park for a few moments when Shizuo walked up to her.

"Hey Celty, what have you been up to?" He asked her, taking out a cigarette.

"A lot actually. I've had jobs all day yesterday and today! I'm exhausted" she typed.

"Yeah, I never enjoy busy days either. I've actually had a few days to myself. Usually we get a lot of people everyday but it seems people are actually doin their shit" he stated. He took a long drag off his cigarette before asking her "what have the jobs even consisted?"

"Oh tons of stuff. From just taking a dog to the other side of town to breaking up a fight" Celty responded, hanging her head.

"Gotta suck, I feel sorry for you. I saw that shit-bag Izaya and was this close to finally beating the shit outta him" he said.

Celty just nodded and typed "I gotta be going now. One job was to make sure nothing was going around today. Sounds stupid but might as well."

"Fair enough, I'll see you later Celty" Shizuo responded, bringing to walk away.

Celty simply waved at him and hopped on her motorcycle to ride around. She didn't really see too much. Most kids were in school at the moment so she didn't expect to see much until the later hours. She went back to her place but Shinra was at work. She was hoping he would be home already but not yet. She checked her email and saw she had a message from Izaya. So, of course, she opened it. It simply just said this:

Watch Mikado Ryuugamine

This confused Celty quit a bit. She didn't really think anything of Mikado, none the less think he was a bad person. The only thing she really saw of him was that he was a High Schooler who created the Dollars in Ikebukuro, nothing more. Celty couldn't really think of him doing anything wrong, but if Izaya was concerned about him then it must be important.

Does he want me to just stalk him or something? Or does he want me to just look out for him?

Celty felt confused about what Izaya meant, so she just went with her gut. If she saw the boy, she would make sure he was doing alright and see what he was up too. Simple.


Celty continued her other jobs she had. She completed them all by 2 PM, which was pretty good in her opinion. She did a few things for herself and then went up to Raira when the kids were leaving to see if she could chat with Mikado. Instead, she was met by Masaomi and Anri.

"Oh, hello Celty. How come you are here?" Anri asked, not looking fazed but her. Masaomi just sat there looking confused.

"Nothing much, have you seen your friend Mikado around?" Celty typed, showing the both of them.

"We are not the right people to ask. I haven't talked to Mikado in a few weeks and Anri a few days. I think he is just leaving us behind all together" Masaomi responded, putting his heads behind his head.

Celty nodded and then typed "do you know who I could talk to then to possibly get in contact with him?"

"There's nobody I know of. Do you know Masaomi?" Anri said, turning to the blonde.

"The only person I could think of would be Aoba Kuronuma, he seems to talk to him a lot" Masaomi said, looking at Celty.

Celty nodded at him. She knew who Aoba was so she didn't worry about asking who he possibly was. "Thank you guys. I will probably just stay here until I see either of them" she typed.

"It's no big deal. We will see you later Celty" Anri said, bowing.

"Yep! See ya later!" Masaomi added right after Anri, with a stupid grin on his face.

The two of them both walked away, Masaomi talking Anri's ear off about something. Celty didn't want to get too involved in there conversation so she just blocked it out until she saw Aoba.

"Hey, I know you have been in contact with Mikado. Have you seen him?" Celty typed, walking up to the boy.

Aoba just narrowed his eyes and responded "no, I haven't seen him since last night. Now if you excuse me, I will be going."

Celty grabbed his shoulder as he tried to walk away. "I know that you are lying to me. Where is he?" she typed.

Aoba just shrugged. "Fine, I saw him at lunch. But I haven't seen him since" he responded quickly. "And no, I am not taking you to where we meet up. You can follow me but I'm not going to backstab him by telling you" he added as Celty was about to start typing.

Celty let go of the boy and he started walking away like nothing happened. Celty got on her motorcycle and began following him. He walked decently fast so at least they were making progress.

I am going to find out what is up with him. Even if I have to force it out of him.

And so she followed the boy, hoping she could figure out what was going on between Mikado and his friends, and why Izaya was so concerned about it.

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