AE The Idea (2) /AN

513 14 32

As soon as (y/n) stepped foot on the studio the anxiousness returned.
»maybe it's not as good as I thought it was. Maybe he'll think my idea is stupid«

She turned around. Tesla giving her a confused look.

(Y/n) cleared her throat and went to pick the notes she had.

Nervously she unfolded the drawing.
"Mr.Tesla... I just thought of something days ago. I-I drew it. If you could just"  she stopped talking, she was indeed making a fool of herself even before explaining what her plan was.

Luckily Tesla got the idea and walked towards the table where (y/n) had placed her drawing. He looked at it closely.

(Y/n) cursed at how badly it was drawn.

"What is this?" He finally asked.

The moment she anticipated but dreaded at the same time.

"It's an idea. To get energy from the Niagara Falls with-"

"the Alternating current" he finished.

(Y/n) smiled. "Yes"

He stopped on his tracks. His eyes slightly unfocused.
He stayed silent for a couple of seconds before looking at (y/n).

Tesla went up to her and held her hand.
"(Y/n) this is amazing! I have to tell Westinghouse about it"

With that he turned to her pages "do you mind?"

(Y/n) shook her head, still anxious.
"No. Hopefully he'll manage to understand"

Tesla chuckled. "I'll have to do a more intricate drawing of it but I'm sure he'll get the hint"

With that (y/n) bid him farewell.

When she was about to open the entrance door, she heard footsteps.

"Allow me to walk you to the train station (y/n)"

With that they walked.

The last train was about to leave but luckily (y/n) managed to arrive just in time.

It was dangerous to walk to her house this late yet she was satisfied Tesla thought her idea could even be worth showing to Mr.Westinghouse.

Days passed and the topic was not brought up once more.

Tesla kept going out before (y/n) could arrive and returning straight to his hotel room, for a week she didn't even caught a glimpse of him.

Czito explained that he was busy so (y/n) brushed it off.

"Did you hear?" Czito asked.

(Y/n) shook her head slightly. "Sorry?"

Czito sighed. "Did you hear what happened?"

She frowned. "Don't be vague, I don't. What happened?"

Czito stopped working in the motor and looked up at her.
"Remember the electric chair?" (Y/n) nodded while feeling goosebumps crawling on her skin, she indeed remembered that, it was a horrible thing to remember.

"Well, turns out Mr.Thomas Alva Edison had something-no, he had a lot of involvement in the creation of it"

(Y/n) was shocked. "What? What do you mean?" 

"Apparently Edison convinced people that the alternative current could kill people with small voltage. Just like how we saw him killing animals"

The girl nodded. It was months ago when they did their show to prove the current was not dangerous yet it felt like at least a year had passed.

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