The start of it all

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A magicians beast chapter 1

(m/n) sat down on a large stack of wood with a small cup of coffee in his hands. He sighed as he looked at the busy construction workers and hunters in the vicinity go about their day while (m/n) waited for his friend.

'I wonder when Jin-Woo is getting here, I don't think there's much time till we have to go into the dungeon and I don't think he would like to get left behind'


'Speak of the devil'

"Hey Jin-Woo, I was worried you wouldn't show,bud" (m/n) greeted his approaching friend who scratched his neck with flustered cheeks.

"Sorry I didn't get here sooner" Jin-Woo said,sitting down on the stack of wood next to (m/n). (m/n) chuckled slightly at Jin-Woo before noticing the lack of item in his shorter friends grip.

"You didn't get a coffee?" (m/n) asked taking one hand off his coffee cup to point at Jin-Woo's nonexistent one. His friend lowered his head and looked at the ground, slightly embarrassed,he replied "Well by the time I went to get some, I was told that the coffee had just finished"

"That's a bummer" (m/n) frowned at his friends words before his lips turned up with a smile. He patted Jin-Woo's shoulder to get his friends attention and showed him his coffee cup.

"Take mine"

Jin-Woo's head shot up and and he looked at (m/n), he waved his hands in front of him as he stumbled over his words.

"N-no, I can't do that, I-is yours a-and its cold so you need to stay warm"

(m/n) laughed slightly as he softly but firmly pushed the coffee cup into Jin-Woo's hands, who grabbed the cup to stop it from falling in case (m/n) let it go.

"It's ok, you need it more than I do,and besides.."

(m/n) smirked

"I specialise in fire magic remember, I'm always hot"

Jin-Woo felt his face heat up and brought the coffee cup up in front of him to block (m/n)'s view of his flustered face.

'I know that'

"B-but still-"


A female voice yelled out,gaining the attention of the two men.

(m/n)'s face lit up with recognition and waved at the woman making her way to them.

"Hey there Ju-Hee"

"Hi (m/n)" Ju-Hee smiled at (m/n)'s welcome and turned to Jin-Woo

"Hi miss Ju-Hee, didn't know you were attending the raid" Jin-Woo also greeted her but what he got was not a smile but a angry but worried face.

"Of course I am, but that's not why I came over! Why is your face hurt again?!"

Jin-Woo scratched his plastered cheek and laughed nervously, " just happened while (m/n) and I was hunting,haha...."

This intrigued Ju-Hee, "Really...what actually happened?"

"Well..." (m/n) intruded and told the tale

"You even went to a hospital?" Ju-Hee said the worry evident in her voice. Jin-Woo sipped on the coffee that he had received and replied with a small "Yeah..."

Jin-Woo continued "We were in a E-Rank dungeon and I was the only one who got hurt"

"Huh? How could that happen..." Ju-Hee said shocked by the information.

A Magicians Beast [Solo Leveling X Seme male reader]Where stories live. Discover now